They find the remains of a gynecological treatment carried out …


Researchers from the Qubbet El-Hawa project in Aswan, Egypt, discovered remainder of a gynecological treatment in a woman who would have died around 1800 BC. They believe it would be a palliative intervention to relieve pain caused by a traumatic pelvic injury.

According to a statement from the University of Jaén (UJA), which is leading the project, the woman, named Sattjeni, was from the privileged class of the ancient city of Elephantine.

Between his legs, originally bandaged, was found a ceramic bowl with burnt remains. The analysis of the skeletal remains, buried in the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa, was carried out by a team of anthropologists from the University of Granada, which collaborates with the UJA project.

According to confirmed this study, Sattjeni have suffered a traumatic injury to the pelvisPerhaps caused by a fall, which would have caused him great pain. To calm them down, the woman may have been treated with fumigations, a treatment detailed in the medical papyri of the time to solve gynecological problems.

The most interesting thing about the discovery, said UJA doctor of Egyptology Alejandro Jiménez, director of the Qubbet el-Hawa project, “is not just the documentation of palliative gynecological treatment, something that in itself is unique in Egyptian archeology, but what these types of spray treatments have been described in contemporary medical papyri and so far there was no evidence that they were performed“.

The University of Jaén has been excavating in this necropolis since 2008 and has focused its work on the tombs of the governors of the Egyptian border province with Nubia during the 12th dynasty. This research, which represents a great novelty for the universe of archeology, was published in one of the most prestigious journals of Egyptology, “Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde”.


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