They find the remains of a strange creature in an abandoned park


The popular youtuber, Luckie Mc, discovered a strange sea creature by exploring a closed site in 2012. The video went viral.

It has arrived in Australia. Youtuber Lukie Mc documented on video the state of an abandoned park when he encountered an unusual and strange creature instead, who thought to be empty.

The Australian shares on its YouTube channel pbadages in 4×4 with detailed explorations of majestic desert buildings.

Last November, this discovery surprised the world and became viral. To date, it reaches more than 10 million views on the platform.

The park in question, Wildlife Wonderland, had closed in 2012 due to the lack of a license to show animals to the public.

All animals had been delivered at the time to the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), for which the explorer did not expect to find a creature there.

Since then, the park has been abandoned and, without anyone doing the maintenance, its condition has deteriorated considerably.

During his inspection, Lukie found that the site was in poor condition and that he had accumulated waste. but what caused the greatest shock was a creature in a huge aquarium, with already green water.

It was a five-meter white shark, mouth open, in a threatening attitude, which remained at the place abandoned.

"He died and is a species of taxidermy.He died in 1998 in tuna fishing nets in southern Australia, and he is kept in this tank in formaldehyde," says the explorer. in his video.

This terrifying animal was nicknamed "Rosie" by the owners of the place and was one of the biggest attractions in the park. As Lukie Mc confirms, visiting her is a real pain because the formalin levels irritate the eyes and make breathing difficult in this room.

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