They fired against two properties of a Rosario judge


Two Rosario properties were fired almost in unison, although they are eight blocks away. In total, they fired 25 shots at the two buildings, which several years ago were linked to Judge Marisol Usandizaga, who was part of the court that sentenced Los Narcobanda Monos. One of the hypotheses is that this could be related to the saga of intimidation of officials who participated in the investigation of the narco-rosarina organization. "The attacks are aimed at justice," said Santa Fe Security Minister Maximiliano Pullaro.

Judicial sources informed PERFIL that the first case occurred against a house on Zeballos Street at 2500 (three streets of Newell Court) at 11 pm last Thursday. Eight shots were fired in front of the house. "According to the first indications, still to corroborate, the attack was led by two people who were riding motorcycles," he said.

No more shots. The second attack was eight blocks from the first and almost two hours later. We heard 17 detonations. The sources reported that it arrived on Dorrego Street at 4:00 pm yesterday at .40. At the present time there is no mechanical data or the possible characteristics of the perpetrators of this second case. Although the experts were able to confirm that the weapon used is different in both cases.

"In Zeballos Street, the magistrate lived when she was 3 years old and then the property was sold to the present owners in 1975. And in Dorrego Street, her father had a job when he was a senator" explain the sources.

Intimidation. "For the moment no hypothesis is excluded on the possible motivation of the aggression," judicial sources reported. One of the clues is that it is linked to a series of intimidating attacks against officials who investigated or convicted Los Monos last April.

On May 30, two houses occupied by Judge Ismael Manfrín, who presided over the attack, were attacked. court that forty days before had sentenced 19 members of Los Monos. One of them had sold it 14 years earlier and the other had moved two months earlier. Then a property was attacked where lives the ex-wife of Judge Juan Carlos Vienna, who investigated the gang, and in a few hours the same thing happened with the house of the magistrate's father. In addition, there were three other facts that are being investigated.

"The attacks are directed against justice, some police officers and also officials of the provincial government," said Minister Pullaro. "The message is that of intimidation, to generate fear in the state, but they will not reach it.There is a decision to continue to advance on these criminal groups to be behind the bars, "he told the local press.

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