They forced her to marry and her husband disfigured her with acid – News


Al Anoud Hussain Sheryan is a young Yemeni woman who was forced into marriage at the age of 12.

Her story became known when her husband disfigured her face after throwing acid on her and although at first he kept the event hidden, he decided to expose the situation to get help with its treatment.

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Hussain Sheryan is now 19 years old and says his mother, after being widowed and remarried, rushed to find her a husband “to protect her” in case she died. This way your daughter would have someone to take care of her as posted AFP.

The young woman also declared that the marriage is a test since her partner treats her like a “slave”, chains her and beats her.

At the age of 16, her husband kicked her out of the house and Al Anoud was taken away by a sister, since then devoting herself to learning nursing.


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