They found 27 corpses in a former reformer


USF anthropologists found 24 other corpses, mostly dead bodies of children. According to the reports of the children, now adults, who lived in their youth, it is estimated that there could be up to 100 children who died between 1900 and 1973.

The Arthur G. Dozier Rehabilitation Center, closed in 2011, welcomed young missing and orphaned thieves.

The Arthur G. Dozier School, located near the town of Marianna and permanently closed in 2011, was in fact a state-run treatment center for boys with behavioral problems. It is a matter of stealing cars, missing a school or, in the case of those aged one, needing an orphanage when there was none.

According to relatives, many children died in unfamiliar circumstances, who did not tell him the reality of the events and told them that their children had died as a result of an accident or a fight. Most school death records do not mention any cause, even though, officially, the children died as a result of a fire and an outbreak of influenza.


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