They found 39 bodies inside a truck in Lon …


London police found a truck with 39 bodies inside Tuesday. The discovery occurred in the city of Essex and It is thought that the bodies were migrants who were trying to enter the UK, coming from Ireland, hidden in the truck box.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was "horrified by this tragic event". "The Interior Ministry will work closely with the Essex police to establish exactly what has happened," he said in a tweet.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the truck came from Bulgaria and entered the UK on October 19th Holyhead, a port on the west coast of the country that provides ferry service to Ireland.

The authorities have not yet informed of the origin of the victims, they have only indicated that they would be 38 adults and a teenager. "The process of identification is ongoing," said Andrew Mariner, Essex Police Officer.

Although confirmation remains, the authorities suspect that it is a truck carrying migrants. In recent years, many migrants have tried to enter England by hiding in trucks or boats that cross the Channel.

In the face of increased vigilance off the British coast, I haverlanda has become a transit country on the roads of human traffickers, because of its open border with the United Kingdom.

It is the emergency medical services that found the lifeless victims inside a truck in an industrial area of ​​Grays, a city located in the Essex area, and have alerted the police about 1:40. Police NCO Pippa Mills was not able to say why the emergency services were originally coming.

The truck driver, a 25-year-old Norwegian, was arrested for murder, Mills said, while TV channels showed aerial footage of the vehicle, a red cabin and a long white box, in which several police officers worked.

For Richard Burnett, executive director of the Road Haulage Association, who represents truck drivers in the UK, "no matter what the circumstances of the incident, they point to the danger of gangs smuggling migrants into trucks ".

"Trafficking in human beings is a vile and dangerous affair," said local MP Jackie Doyle-Price, wishing that they "bring these murderers to justice."


– The last similar case dates back to the year 2000, when 58 Chinese migrants were found asphyxiated in a dollar truck.

-In 2014, workers at the Tilbury Harbor heard screams and blows inside a sea container and found 34 Afghans inside, severely affected by dehydration, l & # 39; 39, hypothermia and choking.

-In Austria, in 2015, 71 migrants were found dead by suffocation in the hermetically sealed compartment of an abandoned truck on a highway. Originally from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, the victims – 59 men, 8 women and 4 children, including a baby – were transferred from Hungary to Germany by an organization of traffickers who shipped them near the border with Serbia.


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