They found a 3000 year old sword in excellent condition in Denmark


A group of Danish archaeologists have found a 3000 year old sword. What attracted the most attention of the discovery was the excellent state of preservation of the bronze weapon. Researchers at the Odense Museum discovered the find during an archaeological exploration carried out on the occasion of the construction of a gas pipeline on the island of Funen.

From its Facebook account, the institution released a statement in which it specified that the sword would be part of an offering made in the Bronze Age and is considered by Jesper hansen, curator of the museum, as a “rarity” not only for its antiquity but also for its “extraordinary” state of preservation.

“This discovery is exceptional for several reasons. First, the degree of conservation itself. When you lift the sword, you can feel that it is still fully operational. It’s always sharp. I could really lift it off the ground and use it, ”said the specialist, excited by the discovery.

Further, he added, “Some people abandoned it 3000 years ago and had dreams and wishes for the future. We don’t know your dreams, but the sword here is physical proof of the thoughts people had 3000 years ago. Our lives as people on earth and the make-believe world merge into this object, and it’s a fascinating thought. “

The specialists were amazed at the optimal state of conservation of the sword. (Photo: Facebook Odense Bys Museer)

The sword weighs 1.3 kilograms and the hilt is made of wood, horn and antimony. The plant material with which it was covered allowed the bronze blade to remain almost intact, Except for a layer of patina formed by the action of humidity and the passage of time.

The sword was found in Denmark. (Photo: Facebook Odense Bys Museer)

As the sword is made of different materials, its conservation is a difficult question to resolve. For this reason, the researchers decided to take the handle apart and keep its components separate. This technique will allow the metal, wood, horn and the plant material with which they have covered it, can be treated separately to ensure good conservation.

“With the different materials of the sword, preservation is a complex case. Therefore, the brackets and developments of the sword hilt are now disassembled, so that metal, wood, horns and staff can be kept separately, ”explained Hansen.

The museum reported that plant fiber extracts will be used for carbon-14 dating, so that the age of the sword can be accurately confirmed. Also, with a sample of metal can determine the origin of the bronze alloy with which it is made.

Once analyzed, it will be exhibited in a museum. . (Photo: Facebook / @ OdenseBysMuseer)

Once these studies and conservation works are completed, the sword will be rearmed and exhibited in the installations of the Montergarden museum.


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