They found a body float and performed a mega rescue operation, but it was an inflatable doll | the Chronicle


A curious episode caught the attention of the inhabitants of the Japanese island of Honshu. This is because the authorities received alert calls after the appearance of a floating body in the bay of Hachinohe and a major rescue operation was carried out.

A crowd gathered on the coast following the rescue movement but one of the witnesses at the scene later explained that it was a false alarm: it was a sex doll.

“While filming my fishing video, I thought a corpse had floated, but it turned out to be an inflatable doll,” Tanaka Natsuki explained on his Twitter profile.

And, sharing the pictures, he added: “It seems someone misunderstood what it was and called the authorities, which is why a ton of police, fire engines and ambulances showed up. Fortunately, the “woman” was saved without a problem. Everything is fine”.

Bodybuilder married inflatable doll and his wife pricked herself

The name of the Kazakh bodybuilder and actor Yuri Tolochko became world famous thanks to his special marriage: his wife is a sex doll, named Margo.

But all is not happiness in the life of a couple. And it was Tolochko himself who was responsible for pointing it out: from what he told in dialogue with the Daily Star, Margo was stung.

In addition, he explained that he had sent it in for repairs and hopes that the reunion can take place before January 7, the day when Christmas is celebrated in Kazakhstan.

Yuri Tolotchko He married an inflatable doll and his wife was stung.

“It’s broken. Now they’re fixing it. She’s in another town. When she recovers, it’ll be a gift for both of us.“he said, although the man did not explain how the accident happened.

Two weeks ago, the subject was shown in a very affectionate Instagram video with a raw chicken, which he appears to be stroking.

“After sleeping with chicken meat, I really wanted to have a toy like that and take care of it”explained the man, who explained anyway that Margo will continue to be a “superior woman” and promises to continue “respect it”.


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