They found a body in Barcelona and they believe it belongs to the Argentinian who killed his son | Forensics seeks to certify if it is Martín Álvarez Giaccio


Catalan police found a body near Prat de Llobregat airport believed to be of Martin Ezequiel lvarez Giaccio, the Argentinian who killed his son in a hotel in Barcelona to get revenge on the mother with whom he had broken off the relationship a few days before. Forensic scientists strive to scientifically certify the identity of the body.

The headquarters of the Mossos d’Esquadra have been looking for Álvarez Giaccio since August 24, the day of the crime. Security camera footage captured the man as he was leaving the hotel where he was staying with his son and the final clues to his fate located him at El Prat airport.

At first, it was believed that Ilvarez Giaccio had escaped abroad, but security cameras captured him leaving the airfield in the direction of Prat de Llobregat.

The Police had posted various portraits on social networks, in train and bus stations and in some emblematic corners of the city, considering the possibility that the suspect had disguised himself or changed his physical appearance.

Crime and investigation

Álvarez Giaccio, 44, is charged with the murder of his young son in a indirect violence, the cruelest extreme point of gender violence, where children become an instrument of torture for the mother. In this specific case, according to the hypothesis retained by the investigators, the accused she wanted “revenge” on her former partner for ending the relationship.

On August 24, Álvarez Giaccio went to pick up his son from the apartment in Arizala Street, in Barcelona’s Sants Badal neighborhood, “to take him for a walk”. From there he drove to the Concordia hotel in Barcelona and spent the whole afternoon in the pool with the baby, filming him and taking pictures of him which he sent to his ex-partner.

“At the hotel I leave you what you deserve”, was the last message that lvarez Giaccio sent to the mother of the murdered little boy. From what police later learned, the man told him he would kill himself and warned him that “he was going to be sorry” for leaving him.

News in development.


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