They found a star sapphire that could be worth up to $ 1 billion | It was found in Sri Lanka and weighs just over 500 kilograms


the Sri Lankan government announced the conclusion which, according to them, it is the biggest star sapphire in the world. It is a gemstone found in Ratnapura, according to the Sri Lanka Jewelry and Gems Authority. The head of the entity said that the star sapphire It weighs 510 kilos and is valued at over $ 200 million..

However, officials believe that the market price of the stone, for which they received offers from abroad, could reach a billion dollars. The stone was found eight months ago, but only now has it been disclosed, dwho strictly followed the discovery reporting process. A group of workers were digging a well at the site in southern Sri Lanka when they found the gemstone embedded in a rock.

“This gemstone was discovered at Kahawatte in Ratnapura district and we are unable to reveal more details on the exact location due to security concerns,” authorities said. Strictly speaking, the star sapphire (a hundred centimeters long, 50 high and 72 wide) was found on a private domain, of which its owner is the owner of the premises.

The gem will be taken to the Bank of Ceylan vault in Colombo, the island’s capital. And he was already baptized with the name of Serendipity. The word is English and means “luck”.

The island, which is considered by its own inhabitants to be the sapphire capital of the world, earned around $ 500 million in 2020 from the sale of gems, diamonds and jewelry. Now a sale of up to a billion dollars would double the figure.


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