They found a USB stick in the excrement of a seal and his explanation is surprising.


In early February, researchers at the New Zealand National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) studied leopard seals.

Often, biologists badyze animal faeces because they give good information about what seals eat, where they walk, and how healthy they are.

In the case of Niwa, he asked volunteers to collect the samples and send them to the institute.

In one of these samples, collected a year ago and stored in a freezer, scientists found a USB key. Here begins the most amazing story.

The first fact is that the device worked perfectly after cleaning. I had stored pictures of a kayak that scientists decided to broadcast through the networks to find the owner.

Yesterday, we knew who the owner of USB was, who realized that the camera was his after watching his recordings on TV.

The owner is none other than Amanda Nally, the volunteer who found the sample of faeces to send to the researchers.

A year ago, just days after the kayak shoot, he discovered and reported a seal that looked sick. There he found the animal stool that he had decided to pick up for shipment to the Niwa.

Mystery solved

How did the seal eat the USB key? The hypothesis is even more absurd. According to scientists, it is not the seal that has eaten the device.

"The USB drive was surrounded by feathers and small bones of birds, so scientists think I dropped it by chance and then a seabird ate it, which was devoured by the leopard seal which I found the droppings "Nally told the motherboard website.

"It sounds like an incredible chain of coincidences, but sometimes life is stranger than fiction," Nally added.


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