They found a way to neutralize the coronavirus with heat


the SARS-CoV-2 does not give a truce in any country in the world. It also does not differ by age segment or socioeconomic. More than a year after the start of the pandemic which scares the world and which does not give a break with its news variants, the situation remains tragic, despite accelerated progress and the indisputable effort of science.

In some countries, vaccines they do not arrive or not are enough. Hospitals and health workers are overwhelmed Yes out of print. In rich countries, the vaccination plan is advancing, but at the same time the populations relaxed and the lack of preventive measures provided an opportunity for the virus to spread. The reality is that coronavirus has shown its presence and, over time and far from losing respect, it continues to impose itself in our lives, forcing us to take consciousness and absolute precautions.

As laboratories continue to study the vaccine efficacy and it is possible Side effects, scientists investigate new alternatives to stop the pandemic and wipe out the virus. Inoculation undoubtedly greatly reduces the gravity disease, avoiding hospitalizations and deaths of infected patients. Meanwhile, the Science is looking for new ways to stop the spread of this virus which has changed not only the way we live, but also our perception of life itself.

This is the case of a group of scientists from Texas A&M University in the United States, who discovered that the hot, i.e. high temperatures, neutralizes the virus in less than a second. However, and if the results are encouraging, these are still experimental tests.

In the experiment, they heated 72 degrees Celsius the section of a stainless steel tube, through which the solution containing the virus is passed for half a second and resulted in the heat being able to reduce the amount of virus in 100,000 times, which would be enough to neutralize it and prevent its spread. With well-being spoke with the infectologist Hugo pizzi, who warned that you should be careful in this regard, since “this is only a step forward, the first steps” of the investigation.

The conclusions of the experience, Directed by Arum han, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at this university, have been published in There it is reported that scientists designed an experimental system that could slow the progression of the pandemic. In addition, they revealed that scientists plan to build a microfluidic chip to treat viruses at high temperature.

About, they have -co-author of the study- said: “I was curious how high the temperatures are that we can apply in such a short time and see if we could heat inactivates the coronavirus in very little time. And the impact is enormous ”.

For the specialist, this experience could help to understand what Temperature people can inhibit O inactivate the virus, either by heating, ventilation or air conditioning. However, the investigation must continue and provide more concrete data in this regard.


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