They found an English schoolgirl who joined ISIS three years ago – 14/02/2019


One of three British schoolchildren who in February 2015 They left for Syria to join the Islamic State, in a case that shocked the United Kingdom, they do not regret their flight and want to return to their country because they are pregnant.

In an interview published Thursday in the British newspaper The weatherShamima Begum, 19, spoke for the first time in Syria about his life with ISIS and He said he saw "decapitated heads" in garbage cans, but it was something that "did not bother me", he added.

In an interview published Thursday in the British newspaper The Times, Shamima Begum, 19 years old.

In an interview published Thursday in the British newspaper The Times, Shamima Begum, 19 years old.

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Begum, London Bethnal Green, he left his country when he was 15 years old with Amira Abase, also aged 15, and Kadiza Sultana, then aged 16 but He apparently died in Syrian territory during a Russian air attack.

The teenager spoke to a journalist from the newspaper of a refugee camp in Syria and said that Her pregnancy is advanced, so she wants to return to her country to give birth.

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As he related, He had two other children in Syria, but both apparently died of malnutrition.

From left to right: Kadiza Sultana (she would have died in an airstrike), Amira Abase and Shamima Begum (who has reappeared now).

From left to right: Kadiza Sultana (she would have died in an airstrike), Amira Abase and Shamima Begum (who has reappeared now).

In February 2015, the three girls traveled from London airport to Gatwick to Turkey after telling his parents that they were going for a walk in the house.

Once in Turkey, the teenagers crossed the Syrian border and, having reached the city of Raqqa, capital of the caliphate, they stayed in a house with other women who were going to marry Islamic radicals.

In February 2015, the three girls traveled from London Gatwick Airport to Turkey (AFP).

In February 2015, the three girls traveled from London Gatwick Airport to Turkey (AFP).

According to Begum, A few days after arriving in Syria, she asked to marry a British militia, but married her to a 27-year-old Dutch convert to Islam. and was with him until two weeks ago, when they left the city of Baghuz, the last territory of the Islamic State in eastern Syria.

Her husband, he said, went to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the alliance of US-backed militias trying to gain control of the area. She is now in a refugee camp with 39,000 others in northern Syria.

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In telling her life in Syria, the young woman said that it was "a normal life, the life that they (the Islamic radicals) show in the propaganda videos . It's a normal life"

Bombings, he said, ensuring that When he saw the first decapitated head in a bin, it did not "bother him at all". "It was a captured fighter on the battlefield, an enemy of Islam" he explained, arguing that the only thing he thought was "what he would have done to a Muslim woman if he had had the opportunity."

"I'm not the same stupid 15-year-old schoolgirl who fled Bethnal Green four years ago. I do not regret having come here"he said.

He said at TimeOne of the reasons that led her to leave the territory controlled by the Isis was her fear that her son, who will be born, will suffer the same fate as the two previous ones.

Photo provided by the London Metropolitan Police on February 20, 2015 showing Shamima Begum (EFE).

Photo provided by the London Metropolitan Police on February 20, 2015 showing Shamima Begum (EFE).

Begum had a girl first, who was buried a month ago in Baghuz when she was a year and nine months oldbut three months before losing his second son, who was then eight months, because of the disease added to malnutrition. Although he took her to the hospital "there were no drugs or enough staff" he explained.

"He was weak," he said of his decision to leave Baghuz. "I could not bear the pain and hardship that staying on the battlefield meant"he argued. "But I was as scared as the child I was going to die like my other children if I stayed," he said.

She also does not feel safe in the area of ​​IDPs. where is he. "That's why I want to go back to the UK because I know that at least they will take care of health," he added. Conscious that she is about to give birth, she categorically stated: "I will do everything necessary to be able to go home and live peacefully with my son."

From left to right: Kadiza Sultana, Shamima Begum and Amira Abase, the day they boarded to leave England.

From left to right: Kadiza Sultana, Shamima Begum and Amira Abase, the day they boarded to leave England.


But his return to the UK does not seem easy. Secretary of State for Security Ben Wallace said that there is currently no British consular service in Syria that can facilitate the return of the girl. She should therefore settle in Turkey or Iraq. excluded a possible rescue by the security forces.

"I will not endanger the lives of the British looking for terrorists or former terrorists in a failed state"He said BBC Radio 4. Wallace acknowledged that as a British citizen, Begum has the right to return to the country but anyone who has joined ISIS must expect to be investigated, interrogated and "at least sued" upon return.

When asked if the fact that he was 15 at the time of his escape allowed more leniency, Wallace replied that "people know what they're getting into. It is a terrorist group, one of the worst in the world, which sacrifices people and is responsible for the deaths of dozens of Britons.", He summarized.

Agencia EFE and Europa Press.



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