They found another mass grave with hundreds of graves from …


Hundreds of unidentified graves have been found near a former Catholic school for natives in the province of Saskatchewan, Western Canada. Indigenous communities across the country said it was the most important such find to date.

The mass grave was discovered after a series of excavations carried out in late May at a former Catholic boarding school in the town of Marieval, after the remains of 215 students were found buried in Kamloops Indian Residential School, a former school located nearby. in British Columbia, in the west of the country.

It was the native community of Cowessess who reported the discovery of the grave to Marieval and took the opportunity to describe the event as “horrible” and “shocking”.

For its part, the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations of Canada, stressed that the number of graves found would be “the largest to date” in the country.

Meanwhile, Assembly of First Nations organization chief Perry Bellegarde, who represents more than 900,000 indigenous people, said the event “is absolutely tragic, but not surprising.”

Following the discovery of the remains of 215 children at Kamloops Residential School, various excavations were undertaken in similar schools across Canada with government support.

Kamloops find rekindled appeals to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church to apologize for the abuse and violence inflicted on students in this boarding school system where they were forcibly taken to assimilate into the culture dominant.

The Marieval orphanage housed native children from 1899 to 1997, but was not demolished until two years later and replaced by a school.

According to a survey, some 150,000 Amerindian, Métis and Enuit children were recruited against their will until the 1990s to send them to 139 residential schools in the country where they were isolated from their families, their language and their culture. Many have been subjected to ill-treatment or sexual abuse, and between 3,200 and 4,100 have died, mostly from tuberculosis.


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