They found human remains in Stroess Manor …


They found three skulls and other human remains buried under the bathroom of a mansion of dictator Alfredo Stroessner in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. The authorities verify if they correspond to the more than 400 missing of the Paraguayan dictatorship, the longest in South America. The remains were found by homeless families who took the mansion, abandoned for years.

Known as the "Stroessner House", the property built in the 1970s is located in Ciudad del Este, on the triple border between Brazil and Argentina. There, the dictator spent the weekend. The house was abandoned for many years until the arrival of about 180 families "homeless" who settled there in late August. The remains were found under the floor of one of the bathrooms in the house and will be subjected to various identification tests by the Truth, Justice and Reparations Commission of the Ministry of Justice. "They found three skulls, two femurs, a humerus and several loose remains, all of which we have kept, labeled and sealed, and it goes on a chain of custody in Asunción, to the specialized unit of human rights. Man, "said the chairman of the Commission of the C is true, Rogelio Goiburú.

The occupants of the mansion said that there would be even more bones. "We discovered a tunnel filled with rubble, we were told that it measured about 100 meters long and ended in a pit where there are more bones," denounced the spokesman of the occupants of the house and former municipal officer, Rafael Esquivel.

The discovery was made in early September, 30 years after the end of the dictatorship in which more than 400 people have disappeared. Until today, the main authors remain undecided. About 40 bodies were found and only four were identified. Stroessner died in 2006 in exile, at the age of 93, without having ever been brought to justice.


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