They found in a luxurious private area of ​​Sicily a former soldier wanted for crimes against humanity.


The Italian newspaper The Republic today published a video showing the "dolce vita" of the Argentine ex-military Carlos Luis Malatto, accused of kidnapping, torture and disappearance in Argentina. during the last military dictatorship.

Malatto lives in the province of Messina, in the Portorosa Tourist Complex, "crossed by the cbads where luxury yachts wet," says article signed by journalists Emanuele Lauria and Giorgio Ruta.

The neighborhood where Malatto lives. Photo: video capture
The neighborhood where Malatto lives. Photo: video capture

– "Mr. Malatto", the journalists call him in the video.

– "Yes, wait a moment," the man replies from his balcony, shirtless. "Tell me what you like".

Carlos Luis Malatto, at his home in Sicily. Photo: video capture La Repubblica.
Carlos Luis Malatto, at his home in Sicily. Photo: video capture La Repubblica.

– "We are journalists", they introduce themselves. Immediately, the kindness disappears: "go away", the ex-military abandons them and is locked in his house.

Malatto was locked up when they told him that they were journalists. Photo: video capture
Malatto was locked up when they told him that they were journalists. Photo: video capture

"In Buenos Aires weighs 100,000 pesos for Malatto and Italy, it is the subject of an investigation for four homicides, still during the period of the Argentine dictatorship," he added. The Republic.

According to the newspaper The sun, Malatto he had been arrested in 2010, by order of Federal Judge Leopoldo Rago Gallo. However, the Chamber of Cbadation ordered his release the same year and the repressor took advantage of the opportunity to flee to Chile and later to Italywhose country also has nationality.

In 2014 Italy refused to extradite him because the Italian penal code did not provide for any type of torture, such as that attributed to it in our country.

However, the ex-military has been denounced for political crimes abroad, including the kidnapping and aggravated murder of the French-Argentine mannequin Marie-Anne Erize Tisseau and that of Juan Carlos Cámpora, occurred in the province of San Juan. He served as lieutenant colonel in the Mountain Infantry Regiment 22.

In this case, he could not be informed by the Italian court because, knowing that they were looking for him, change of residence frequently. Now, finally, the situation could change.


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