They found six other bodies in the rubble of the collapsed building in Miami: there are already 60 dead


Members of the rescue teams were searched Monday while working on the rubble of the Champlain Towers South building in Surfside (Florida, USA).  EFE / Cristóbal Herrera
Members of the rescue teams were searched Monday while working on the rubble of the Champlain Towers South building in Surfside (Florida, USA). EFE / Cristóbal Herrera

The Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Daniella Levine Cava, confirmed this Thursday on six more bodies found among the rubble of the collapsed Surfside building two weeks ago, with what eThe death toll rose to 60.

In addition, the official clarified that other 80 people are still missing. Detectives work closely with crime scene staff and the medical examiner to identify victims and notify family members as soon as possible.

“Every victim we recover is treated with extreme care and compassion.”Levine Cava said. The mayor revealed that 35 victims have already been identified.

Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava.  José A Iglesias / Swimming pool via REUTERS
Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. José A Iglesias / Swimming pool via REUTERS

Rescue teams take care of personal items found in the rubblesuch as wallets, jewelry and electronics, and families of victims can submit lost property reports for recovery.

Before entering a new phase of work on site, The relief corps paid tribute to the victims with a minute of silence interrupted by the prayers, sobs and tears of those present. From now on, efforts will be focused on attempting to recover the remains of the victims.

“We made the extremely difficult decision to move from search and rescue to recovery,” said Levine Cava in a crisp and visibly affected tone.

“Our hearts are broken for those who mourn and for those who are still waiting”Daniella Levine Cava said as she took stock of the daily rescue missions and the new death toll.

“Our commitment to this mission is deeply personal. It is our community, it is our neighbors and our families. And our first responders have really been digging through this pile (of rubble) every day since the collapse as if looking for their own loved ones.She added, visibly excited, before breaking down towards the end of the game.


It was the tribute to the victims of the Champlain towers after two weeks of the collapse in Miami
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