They found the bodies of passengers on the plane missing in eastern Russia


A view of the area where the Russian An-16 plane crashed
A view of the area where the Russian An-16 plane crashed

The Governor of the Kamchatka Region, Vladimir Solodov reported on Wednesday that the bodies of passengers on the crashed An-26 plane were found early Tuesday in the Kamchatka Peninsula., in the far east of the country.

“Rescue teams have found the bodies of those killed in the An-26 plane crash and are starting to be removed from the water.”, told the TASS agency.

According to the Russian agency Sputnik, a spokesperson for the Russian emergency services reported that The bodies of six passengers have been found as the search continues for the aircraft’s remains and black box.

Solodov reported Tuesday afternoon that “the plane’s fuselage is on shore, while the rest of the plane is scattered along the coastal area.” The remains of the plane found so far have been located about 4 kilometers from the local airport where the plane must have landed.

The Kamchatka emergency service reported on Tuesday morning the disappearance of a plane with 28 people on board in the Russian peninsula, after which a spokesperson for the agency said it could have crash into the sea.

“An Antonov An-26 plane that flew from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamtchatsky to Palana did not respond to controllers on time,” An emergency spokesperson indicated.

Rosaviatsia stressed that the weather conditions in Palana at the time of landing were “complicated” and detailed that clouds covered the mountains near the airfield.

Faced with this situation, the Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Mushustin, ordered the creation of a commission headed by the Minister of Transport, Vitali Saveliev, to investigate what happened. In addition, a three-day duel was announced across the region, according to the TASS agency.

Russian rescue teams on Tuesday located the place where an airliner crashed with 28 people on board which had disappeared from the radars a few hours before, as he was about to land on the remote Kamchatka peninsula, in the far east of the country.

The search was halted at dusk, sources from the Emergency Situations Ministry said, but hopes of finding survivors were slim to noneRussian news agencies reported.

The governor of Kamchatka, an immense area sparsely populated but appreciated by tourists for its volcanoes and its wild nature, the said fuselage was found in the coastal area of ​​the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Obviously there was a disaster during the landing“He said in a video posted on the regional government website.

The Russian air transport agency, Rosaviátsia, said earlier in a statement that the remains were found at 9:06 p.m. (9:06 a.m. GMT) but that the work of rescuers “she was hampered by the geography of the land ”.

(With information from Europa Press)


Video: the first images of the wreckage of the plane that crashed in the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka
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