They found the body of the Argentine paraglider fallen to the sea in Uruguay


After three days of intense research, The body of Leandro Ramos, the Argentine paraglider wounded in Uruguay, was found by neighbors La Pedrera Spa. The instructor had disappeared at sea on Sunday due to technical damage on a flight in which he was traveling with a woman, who had managed to be saved.

Depending on the local environment The digital daily dove, these are two locals who have discovered the body of the instructor on the beach El Desplayado and immediately informed the local authorities.

"I went down every morning at dawn to enjoy the scenery and met a person who was in the dune and something that has moved in the water. I saw that it could be the paragliding of this boy and we hung him up with a rope, with which we managed to get him out, "said Pablo Garcia, one of the neighbors who found the body.

In the early hours of the day, the body of the Argentine citizen has disappeared since the discovery of Sunday. Members of the diving and prefecture group work in the area to extract the body.

– Marine Uruguay (@Armada_Uruguay) August 13, 2019

Hours before the discovery, relatives of Ramos had expressed little optimism about the search. "We already know, seeing this image (that of the sea), that we do not have it alivebut we want to get it back, have the body and say goodbye, "said Zully, his sister.

L & # 39; accident

Ramos traveled to Uruguay as a starting point for a long trip that he had planned all over Latin America. To raise funds for this purpose, he began to visit different spas where flight baptisms performed.

This was the turn of Cecilia Corso, 56, with whom the instructor started his last paragliding trip. In dialogue with TelemundoThe woman said, "I went to film everything, a beauty, an incredible experience." When we came back, he turned off the engine and said: "What did you think?" and I said : "The best thing I have done in my life". He restarted the engine, I do not know what happened but that's when we started to fall".

According to the history of Corso, both had great difficulty getting rid of harnesses Once they fell to the sea. "I approached and he held me by the hand and sank in. I moved away, then I came back and tried to calm him down. I was stunned. I said: "catch something". After The whole candle stayed between us and I did not see it anymore"he said.


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