They found the northernmost island on the planet: where is it?


This island, located about 700 kilometers south of the North Pole, was until now considered by the Danish academy as the northernmost point in the world. However, this unnamed new islet is approximately 30 meters long by 60 wide and rises three or four meters above sea level.

Scientists, who had originally gone to take samples, believed they were on Oodaaq Island. “We were informed that there was an error in the GPS, which made us believe we were in Oodaaq. We had in fact discovered a new island further north, a discovery which enlarges the kingdom of Denmark a bit. . “the leader of the expedition, geographer Morten Rasch, explained in the statement.

In this sense, the geographer indicated that his team “wanted to take samples on the island to search for new species that would adapt to life in this extreme environment”. And he added that there were six people in a small helicopter: “When we got to the position of Oodaaq Island, we couldn’t find it. The maps are not very accurate in this part. of the world.”

“So, we started looking for the island. After a very exciting few minutes, we landed in a strange heap of vegetationless mud, deposits of moray eels and gravel surrounded by sea ice on all sides; a place not very user-friendly “, he said – and continued – “After the expedition and many discussions with specialists on the subject, we realized that, by chance, we had discovered the northernmost island in the world.”

In the meantime, this territorial expansion is relatively relative, since it considers that the island certainly belongs to the category of “ephemeral islets”.

“Nobody knows how long it will last. In principle, it could disappear as soon as a strong storm hits.”Rasch explained.

For its part, Greenland is an autonomous Arctic territory which is distinguished by its richness in minerals and its numerous glaciers. It is also the seat of several research centers on the environment and the climate.

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