They found the remains of 17 victims of “serial killer Atizapán”, the criminal who dismembered women in his basement


The representatives of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (FGJEM) succeeded in arresting a man identified as Andrés “N”, Aged 72, who is allegedly an alleged feminicide and “serial killer” in the town of Atizapan of Zaragoza, and is being investigated for probable involvement in femicide of Try “N”, 34, apparently her romantic partner, who has been reported missing.

The remains of this victim were found dismembered during a raid in the basement of the house of Andrés “N”, and it was also possible to locate skeletal remains there, as well as credentials and women’s clothing, shoes and bags, as well as other particulars such as notebooks with various names, make-up and videotapes.

There are at least twenty videos with recordings of the murders committed by Andrés “N” at his home. They found images of cut female bodies, skulls, hair and cutting tools.

The macabre recording in the tapes allows us to size the man’s procedures to murder his victims (Photo: Twitter capture @ c4jimenez)

The search was carried out by FGJEM staff and agents of the General Coordination of Expert Services who participated with the investigative police and the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Feminicides, as good as Firefighters and K-9 units belonging to the municipal police of the State of Mexico.

MEX2298. ATIZAPÁN DE ZARAGOZA (MEXICO), 05/19 / 2021.- Members of the municipal police guard the area where a search was carried out at the home of a serial killer today, in Atizapán de Zaragoza, State of Mexico ( Mexico). Relatives and authorities on Wednesday identified two other possible victims of Andrés “N”, an alleged 72-year-old serial feminicide detained in the municipality of Atizapán, in the state of Mexico, where he says he committed until 30 murders in 20 years. EFE / Mario Guzman
For: EFE Services

The remains of the victim and the bone remains found buried in one of the rooms in his home, were transferred to the premises of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, where they will be submitted to various expertises in order to be identified.

As a result of these facts, the prosecution asked a judge for an arrest warrant against the main suspect, which was completed, for which this person was admitted to the Tlalnepantla Prison and Social Reintegration Center, where he will stay until his criminal status is determined.

The Mexican State Prosecutor’s Office indicated that in view of the characteristics of the evidence and findings in this place, the possibility of finding the remains of other victims at the home of this man is not excluded.

A forensic investigator carries material on Thursday, May 20, 2021, in front of a house where police found bone fragments in the town of Atizapán, in the state of Mexico. (AP Photo / Fernando Llano)

He also stressed that the process will continue on site to look for other signs and possible remains since several areas of the house have not yet been analyzed. Andrés “N” murdered and cut off his sentimental partner in Atizapán, Edomex

According to the first police reports, it was last Friday, May 14, around 12 noon, that Reyna entered Andrés’ house, located in the aforementioned commune.

These crimes not only mobilized the police, but also sparked protests in Atizapan by citizens who remain horrified by the cruelty of the crimes, as well as by the number of victims who continue to add women to the long list of feminicide crimes both in Mexico and around the world.

-PHOTODELDÍA- MEX2445. ATIZAPAN (MEXICO), 05/21/2021.- A woman protests today at the Adolfo López Mateos mausoleum, for the feminicides that occurred in the municipality of Atizapán in the State of Mexico (Mexico). Agents from the Mexico State Attorney General’s Office (FGJEM) on Friday continued investigations into the home of Andrés “N”, 72, a suspected serial femicide who has previously been linked to the murder process of a wife. EFE / Sashenka Gutiérrez
For: EFE Services


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