They found this bitch in the burnt and hairless desert: today it is unrecognizable


The bitch was covered with burns and scabs Credit: Utah Animal Adoption Center

Hairless, malnourished, the body covered with crusts and sunburn. In this fragile state was found

a bitch

in the desert of Utah, where temperatures can reach 60 ° C

Matt Bentley was in his truck when he saw a completely bald animal in the distance. Only by approaching, he realized that it was a bitch. "He was probably there forever, he was miles away from someone else," he said in a video posted on Facebook.

Bentley took her to her vehicle and was taken to a nearby veterinary hospital, where they contacted the Utah Animal Adoption Center. "I have never seen anything like it," he said.
Dodo Lila Oulson, in charge of the shelter. She was so irritated that she sat crying because of the pain. "

Oulson felt that the dog he named Kelly ("warrior" in Gaelic) was between seven and ten years old and that he had lost at least three months. "I do not know how he survived," he added.

At the shelter, they calculate that the dog has spent three months lost in the desert
At the shelter, they calculate that the dog has spent three months lost in the desert Credit: Utah Animal Adoption Center

Kelly underwent treatment to prevent skin infections and gradually began to recover. In March 2018, two months after his discovery, the spots on his coat began to reappear. In April, he was finally adopted by one of the shelter's volunteers.

In her new home, surrounded by the love of a family, Kelly begins to forget the pain of being delivered to herself under the hot desert sun.


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