They found two oxygen tanks of Tomás Gimeno, the monster from Tenerife who murdered his two daughters in revenge on his former partner


Tomás Gimeno, the Monster of Tenerife
Tomás Gimeno, the Monster of Tenerife

Another episode in the terrifying case of Tenerife’s monster Tomas Gimeno was written this Thursday when the oceanographic vessel Ángeles Alvariño, found two other oxygen tanks, this time with little autonomy, in the area where the body of the man who allegedly killed his two young daughters and then committed suicide in revenge for his ex-partner is searched.

Sources cited by local media claim that the tanks are the size of a half-liter water bottle, and this type of device is typically used in aquatic emergencies that require a small amount. additional air. The bottles would give about three minutes of extra air.

What authorities have yet to find is the lead belt that Gimeno allegedly used to sink and end his life.

According to authorities, the serial number of the tanks found matches that of the much larger oxygen cylinder found on the Ángeles Alvariño ship on June 7 as well as a duvet cover that investigators suspect was used to ballast the tanks. bodies of Anna and Olivia, the two daughters.

This type of diving element was commonly handled by Gimeno, while he practiced scuba diving and It was customary for him to take them in his boat, which was found the day after the girls disappeared on April 28.

The search for Gimeno’s body and the rest of the items he used to bond with his daughters continues to focus on where the man’s last cell phone signal is geotagged. An area more than 20 kilometers from where it is believed he threw his daughters into the sea.

(Photo: Instagram @bringbackhomeannaandolivia)
(Photo: Instagram @bringbackhomeannaandolivia)

On June 10, the oceanographic vessel found the lifeless body of little Olivia, in one of the two sports bags that it extracted from the seabed, the other was empty.

The Spanish authorities still do not despair of recovering the bodies of Anna, just one year old, and her father Tomás, or find something that will finish putting the puzzle together of that terrible April night when the Tenerife monster disappeared with his daughters after threatening his ex-wife to “never see them again”.

“It was already difficult to find any clues and Olivia has been found, something never before seen. It will be extraordinary if something else is found,” Anselmo Pestana, the government delegate to the Canary Islands, commented to the Spanish media about the expectations of the research which has not yet stopped.

Pestana stressed that the oceanographic vessel will continue to search for Anna and Tomás until the Ministry of Science and Innovation decides that the investigations must be completed so that the vessel can join the work of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. (IEO).

For Spanish justice, little Anna and Olivia, only one and six years old, were murdered by their father, Tomás Gimeno. In the latest judicial report, it is stated that the man killed his daughters in his house in Igueste de Candelaria, on the island of Tenerife, wrapped them in towels, put them in trash bags and then in garbage bags. other sports bags.

The magistrate in charge of the case believes that Anna died in the same way, because the second bag was found broken, with nothing inside.

Six-year-old Anna and one-year-old Olivia were killed by their own father, Tomás Gimeno, in revenge on their former partner.
Six-year-old Anna and one-year-old Olivia were killed by their own father, Tomás Gimeno, in revenge on their former partner.

The investigating judge in the case of the Spanish girls confirmed in his report what the Civil Guard suspected from the start: the man wanted to make Beatriz Zimmermann, his former partner and mother of the little girls, suffer as much as possible. Even if so far only the body of Olivia, 6, has been found, the magistrate, in her court decision, speaks of a double murder. “Gimeno killed them in a planned and premeditated manner to cause inhuman pain to his former partner”, complaints.

In addition, the judge reiterated that “Deliberately sought to leave her in limbo”, since he told her that he would go to “a distant place to start a new life”.

The minute by minute of the heinous crime.

On April 27, Gimeno made an agreement with Zimmermann to spend the afternoon with his daughters, which meant picking them up around 5:00 p.m. and bringing them home at 9:00 p.m. and Thursdays.

Then he handed his new partner a box sealed with duct tape and asked her to call him at 11 p.m. Despite her request, she opened the box around 5:20 p.m., and found inside a wad of money with 6,200 euros and a goodbye letter.

Later, Gimeno went with the girls to their parents’ house, left Anna there and took Olivia to tennis lessons until around 6.30 p.m. “Gimeno took advantage of this circumstance to go to the Santa Cruz marina, where he parked his car at 5:50 p.m., near the jetty where he kept his boat moored to test the engine, leaving the marina shortly before 6:00 a.m. pm: 00 hours “, indicates the report.

After picking up Olivia, she returned to her parents, where she stayed until a few minutes before 7:30 p.m. Barely 15 minutes later, he arrived at his home in Igueste de Candelaria. “Presumably, in said farm, Gimeno killed his daughters, wrapping them in towels and placing them in garbage bags, and these, in sports bags, which he placed in his car”, add the document.

At 9:05 p.m., with the girls ‘remains in the trunk, he drove his vehicle to his parents’ house, where he secretly left his dog, two credit cards with his keys and two sets of keys to an Alfa Romeo who had left the morning of the same April 27, around 12:30 am, at his work.

01/05/2021 Police officers during the search for Tomás Gimeno and his daughters, on May 1, 2021, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain).  Güímar Court of First Instance and Investigation Number 3 has issued an international search warrant against Tomás Gimeno and his daughters Anna and Olivia, aged one and six, who have been missing since last Tuesday on the island of Tenerife, as reported by Europe Press research sources.  COMPANY Europe Press
01/05/2021 Police officers during the search for Tomás Gimeno and his daughters, on May 1, 2021, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Güímar Court of First Instance and Investigation Number 3 has issued an international search warrant against Tomás Gimeno and his daughters Anna and Olivia, aged one and six, who have been missing since last Tuesday on the island of Tenerife, as reported by Europe Press research sources. COMPANY Europe Press

Shortly before 9:30 p.m., the father joined the Navy. After parking the vehicle, he made three trips from the car to his boat to transport various objects, among which were the sports bags, inside which were allegedly the bodies of Olivia and Anna. Finally, at 9:40 p.m., he embarked with the boat.

At 9.50 p.m., desperate, the girls’ mother calls Gimeno again, who He yelled on the phone that he wasn’t going to see the girls or him anymore, that he was going with them and that he was going to start a new life.

When he was far enough from the coast, and above a deep area that he knew, around 10:30 p.m., Gimeno threw into the sea from his boat the sports bags containing the lifeless body of his daughter Olivia and, presumably, that of his daughter Anna, both attached to an anchor by means of a chain and a rope.

And then at 10:30 p.m., he called his ex-wife back. “I can’t let them grow up without me,” he told her when he warned her that he was taking them and that he would never see them again.

Tomás Antonio Gimeno, 37, threatened his ex-partner on the day of his disappearance that he would never see him or the girls again.
Tomás Antonio Gimeno, 37, threatened his ex-partner on the day of his disappearance that he would never see him or the girls again.

“At around 11:15 pm, Gimeno came across a Civil Guard boat, which offered to sanction him for breaking the curfew. He then moored his ship again. At 11:45 p.m. he went to a nearby gas station and bought a laptop charger, cigarettes and water, and returned a few minutes before midnight to the marina, going with the security guard to his office to charge the laptop. At 12:27 am, he returned to his frame and set sail for the last time, ”explains the report.

The autopsy performed on daughter Olivia Gimeno revealed that the cause of her death occurred as a result of acute pulmonary edema (a buildup of fluid in the lungs), as reported by sources from the Canary Islands Superior Court of Justice (TSJC). The Director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Jesús Vega, He explained that the preliminary report does not allow to know the causes which caused this edema, and that we must now wait to know the histopathological results. The death, according to Vega, could be due to “death from suffocation, drowning, heart failure or poisoning.”


Recreation of the atrocious crime in Tenerife: justice revealed how Tomás Gimeno killed his daughters, wrapped them in towels and put them in garbage bags
The case that shocks Spain: the autopsy of little Olivia Gimeno, the girl found dead in Tenerife, was known
Horror in Tenerife: Tomás Gimeno warned his environment a year ago that he would separate little Anna and Olivia from their mother
Who is Tomás Gimeno, the father and main suspect in the disappearance of the two girls in Spain
Spain: they found the body of Olivia, one of the two missing girls
What is “proxy violence”, the macho cruelty behind the case affecting Spain

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