They get scared of being in a hen house | Chronic


A surveillance camera, located near a henhouse near the Uwharrie National Forest, North Carolina, was able to film an enigmatic creature, which could only be verified as safe. was a biped, small, given the relationship with the filmed site. However, it is considered that this region was controlled to be an area that would be inhabited by the "Big Foot" (Big Foot, in English).

The person who reported these images preferred to remain anonymous, but also addressed the community of experts in strange phenomena to get a better idea of ​​the creature that steals chickens from the henhouse.

The owners of the henhouse farm were on vacation when the perimeter alarms on the site were "turned on" to immediately send notifications to their mobile devices, due to the motion sensors and recording system. intelligent monitoring. This is what allowed them to access, almost in real time, the incident from their mobile phone and their laptop.

Hot zone

This is not the first time that a strange being appears in the Uwharrie state forest area and surrounding area, as the potential of the "Bigfoot" has often been active. Witnesses said they heard roars similar to those of big cats. Even some have reported watching "Big Foot", almost always chasing some potential prey, usually pets. This would ratify what is configured as another Bigfoot proof. Theory that contradicts that of Matt Moneymaker, from the BFRO group, regarding the fact that this being does not eat cows because they are human food.

Big Foot, a possibility

At this point, it is confirmed that the film is not human, but from this vision, what is the origin of this being?

Something is certain: there are many reports of the Uwharrie National Forest, where since 2016 a strange creature is searched, which illustrates very well the video that accompanies the note.


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