They got married and within five minutes they died in a tragic accident


It arrived in Texas, United States. The young men had been dating since high school.

A tragedy has stained what should be a love story. It is that Harley Morgan (19 years old) and Rhiannon Boudreaux (20 years old), two young people of the American state of Texas, died a few minutes after their marriage in a car accident. The couple had been trained in high school and last week they decided to bring their romance to the altar formality.

After crossing the vital records, the wedding was mounted in a car, escorted by family and friends, and after spending a few blocks they were hit by a van. They died instantly. The only occupant of the other vehicle was unhurt. The unfortunate event occurred on Highway 87.

The sister and mother of the boyfriend saw everything from the vehicle behind them. "I saw my baby die. I still carry my son's blood because I was doing my best to get her out of the car, "said the boy's mother, Kennia Morgan, to local KFDM media.

He added, "It's an image that will haunt me the rest of my life. I will not forget it, it will never leave. I'll see that the truck hits my baby and kills him every night of my life, the rest of the time, I'm on earth. "

"They both had a lot of dreams and all they wanted was to be close to their loved ones," he said.


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