They grant a bonus of 70,000 u $ to live in Scotland: the appeal includes Argentina


The government of Scotland made available 100 housing units on the country’s islands and, through the so-called “Island bonds”, offers $ 50,000, or $ 70,000 To encourage young people and families to participate in the initiative.

Islands Secretary Mairi Gougeon said: “The Islands Obligation will help us meet some of the commitments in the National Islands Plan. It is a way to overcome some of the main financial obstacles for people who wish to live on our islands. “

The 100 accommodations available are located on Scottish islands with a high risk of depopulation, this is why the Scottish government is so keen to promote the stay of young people and families in the region, in order to reactivate the population. The goal of the plan is “Generate sustainable and inclusive growth in island communities. “

According to the official website, the initiative is aimed at those who want to buy a house, build or renovate a house and even those who want to start businesses and build a long-term life project.

The website description reads: “The voucher will be an agreement to provide financial assistance based on criteria established to help island residents stay in their community, or to encourage non-island households to settle there.” ” To register, you must complete and send the registration form, with a deadline for doing so on October 25, 2021. The Scottish government will publicly announce the final results.

How to register

Registration for the project is 100% online (The site is in English only) and has a deadline of October 25, 2021:

Go to the Scottish Government consultation website:

Access and respond to the online query at this link.

Which islands are part of the project

Argyll Islands: Coll, Colonsay, Easdale, Gometra, Iona, Islay, Isla de Gigha, Isla de Mull, Jura, Kerrera, Lismore, Luiing, Oronsay, Seil, Tiree, Ulva.

Arran, Bute and the Cumbraes: Bute, Isle of Great Cumbrae, Isle of Arran.

Lewis and Harris: Great Bernera, Isle of Lewis and Harris, Scalpay

Continent of Orkney: Burray, Orkney mainland, South Ronaldsay.

Outer Orkney Islands: Eday, Egilsay, Flotta, Graemsay, Hoy, North Ronaldsay, Papa Stronsay, Papa Westray, Rousay, Sanday, Shapinsay, Stronsay, Westray, Wyre.

Shetland: East Burra, mainland Shetland, Muckle Roe, Trondra, West Burra.

Shetland Islands: Bressay, Bruray, Fair Isle, Fetlar, Foula, Housay, Papa Stour, Unst, Whalsay, Yell.

Skye and the Small Islands: Canna, Eigg, Dry Island, Isla de Ewe, Isla de Raasay, Isla de Skye, Muck, Rona, Ron, Sanday, Soay.

Uist and Barra: Baleshare, Barra, Benbecula, Berneray (North Uist), Eriskay, Grimsay (Norte), Grimsay (Sur), North Uist, South Uist, Sunamul, Vatersay.

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