They had a grenade “by accident” on a beach, it was from WWII and their kitchen exploded | the Chronicle


A startling discovery took place in the UK, when a woman and her young daughter found a WWII grenade which then exploded in the kitchen of their home, the outlet reported. “pirata” The sun.

Jodie Crews, 38, e Isabelle, their 8-year-old daughter, found a strange object while walking on a beach near their home in the town of Deal. The woman explained that they both collect often “pieces of glass and driftwood” because they are “very artistic” and to them “they like to do things”.

In the beginning, The crews thought it was a fossil or an old bone; she even took to social media to see if anyone could help her identify the object.

The grenade that exploded unexpectedly.

“I posted photos to fossil and archaeological sites and got a lot of responses, but no one suggested it could be a grenade. A woman thought it looked like vomit whale and said I could find out by pushing it with a pin. white “Said Jodie.

But after a while, he found out he was in the presence of something a little more dangerous, when the object suddenly caught fire in his dining room. “She just turned into a fireball. My daughter screamed and ran out the back door. I grabbed the grenade and ran with outstretched arms into the kitchen, where I threw it in the door. ‘sink.”, he counted.

The structure that exploded in the kitchen.

The woman revealed that by this time she had entered “survival mode”, because he felt that “the adrenaline came in and dominated” your reaction. “My first thought was to save my daughter, the house, the cats and the dogs. With my daughter safe in the garden, I ran upstairs to look for the cats (we have four three week old kittens) and our two dogs. “, he remembered.

Neighbors rushed to help the mother and daughter, and one of them called emergency services. The grenade, which turned out to be from the days of World War II, burned in the sink, leaving it damaged and filling the house with smoke.

“I was told not to drink from the taps because some of the chemicals in the grenade could have gotten into it. It was a firefighter who said it was a grenade. He said it was normal. covered with a protective layer of wax. “, ended Crews in his story.


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