They have detected 17 more cases of the Delta variant of the coronavirus and the total of those infected has reached 46


They have detected 17 more cases of the Delta variant of the coronavirus and the total of those infected has reached 46
They have detected 17 more cases of the Delta variant of the coronavirus and the total of those infected has reached 46

They have already been identified in the country a cumulative total of 46 genomic sequencing of the Delta variant, as reported by the Nation’s Department of Health. The variant is worry and, as specified in the detected cases, 45 belong to individuals with a history of international travel and one is a case with an epidemiological link with a traveler.

The Nation’s Ministry of Health said on Friday that the national reference laboratory ANLIS Malbran isolated 17 other new cases of Delta variant linked to travelers. The samples correspond to the inhabitants of the city of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, the province of Buenos Aires, Tucumán and Salta..

Currently, national and jurisdictional health authorities are carrying outepidemiological surveys of all cases and symptomatic cohabiting contacts.

At the moment, a total of 46 genomic sequencing of this worrying variant. Of these infected people, 45 have a history of international travel, while one corresponds to a case with an epidemiological link with one of the travelers.

Regarding people with a travel history, the national health portfolio indicated that 36% were detected in the testing device upon entering the country. (16 cases) and 64% (29 cases) were positive during their isolation for having developed symptoms after entering the country or for having tested positive during the PCR on the seventh day of isolation.

Travelers who tested positive for the Delta variant They came from the United States, Spain, the Netherlands, Mexico, Montenegro, Panama, France, Denmark and Venezuela.

Sri Lanka study found Chinese Sinopharm vaccine to be effective against Delta variant of coronavirus and it generates a high antibody response in the vast majority of patients, according to a study released Tuesday.

The results of the study, published in the repository of scientific articles medRxiv and carried out by scientists from Oxford University and some Sri Jayawardenapura University, suggest that people vaccinated with Sinopharm “They have a similar level of protection against infection with (the variants) Delta and Beta”.

That same Friday and after a virtual meeting with the Nation’s Health Ministry, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) which manufactures the Sputnik V vaccines this afternoon pledged to speed up the supply to Argentina of the vaccines it owes under the contract signed in December 2020 for the supply of 30 million doses.

It reported by the ministry led by Carla Vizzotti Through a statement, the day after an email appeared that the presidential adviser Cecilia Nicolini He had sent them to the Russian authorities on July 7, citing the failure to respect deliveries which put the Argentine government’s vaccination plan in serious difficulty. Argentina has so far received 9,375,670 doses of component 1 of the vaccine and a further 2,493,160 doses of the second component.

According to official data, in the past 24 hours there have been 286 deaths and 15,622 new coronavirus infections. With these data, the total number of cases since the start of the pandemic has increased to 4,827,973 and the dead are 103,359.

On the other hand, from yesterday to today, 104,287 tests have been carried out, with a 14.98% positivity. Since the start of the epidemic, 18,712,620 diagnostic tests for this disease have been carried out. To date, there are 259,627 active positive cases nationwide and 4,464,987 recovered.

Of the total deaths reported today, 165 are men (53 from the province of Buenos Aires, 10 from the city of Buenos Aires, 7 from Catamarca, 12 from Chaco, 1 from Chubut, 11 from Córdoba, 1 from Entre Ríos, 3 from Formosa, 5 from Jujuy, 3 from La Pampa, 13 de Mendoza, 3 de Río Negro, 7 de Salta, 1 de San Juan, 2 de San Luis, 1 de Santa Cruz, 25 de Santa Fe and 7 de Santiago del Estero) and 116 are women (48 from the province of Buenos Aires, 6 from the city of Buenos Aires, 2 from Catamarca, 4 from Chaco, 1 from Chubut, 8 from Córdoba, 2 from Formosa, 1 from Jujuy, 1 from La Pampa, 2 from La Rioja , 7 from Mendoza, 4 from Salta, 2 from San Juan, 3 from San Luis, 20 from Santa Fe and 3 from Santiago del Estero).


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