They have identified two other Argentinean soldiers killed in Malvinas and they are already 112 – 13/03/2019


Other Two Argentine soldiers killed during the Falklands war have been identified in the Darwin cemetery and the list goes up to 112.

It is Eduardo Antonio Vallejos, a native of the province of Cordoba, who served in the army when he was called to fight in the archipelago, and Carlos Alberto Frias, Corrientes, member of the 12th infantry regiment of the city of Mercedes.

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Members of their family were informed a few days ago when the results of the DNA badysis were known. This is why they were part of the delegation of 60 people who went to the islands.

It remains to verify the identity of ten soldiers included in the Malvinas Humanitarian Project Plan and who rest in the Darwin Cemetery with only the legend "Argentine soldier only known to God".

Plate where the rest of the Argentinean soldiers rest at the Darwin cemetery. Fernando photo of the Order.

Plate where the rest of the Argentinean soldiers rest at the Darwin cemetery. Fernando photo of the Order.

"They have spent 37 years of silence and indolence in front of the heroes and their families, the state is accompanying them today, caressing them, recognizing them and thanking them for all they have given," he said. the Secretary for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism of the Nation, Claudio Avruj.

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To carry it out, it was necessary to have DNA samples, taken between March and December 2017, with the prior consent of each family.

The Malian project is based on a humanitarian agreement between Argentina and the United Kingdom and on the participation of the International Committee of the Red Cross.



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