They have no forgiveness from God: they even stole the pearls of some nuns in Olmos


At least two thieves have committed an badault in an area of ​​Lisandro Olmos in the last hours in accordance with the eschief modality. It is projected that the blow was carried early in the morning when the nuns of the Encuentro Encounter House and the Ceferino Namuncura Retreat, located at positions 44 and 163, were sleeping. Although the case is under investigation, people living in this area do not rule out the possibility that thieves had prior information prior to the theft.

This is the opinion of one of the three reparative sisters of the Sacred Heart of Filipino nationality, who bases her claim on the way they moved inside the property, "almost aware". In fact, after reviewing some rooms, the subjects managed to collect a number of valuable items, including a leaf blower, a chicken box, soft drinks, a chalice, a coffee maker, a wheelbarrow, and a trash can. served to put all the goods. Then they escaped without arousing suspicion.

The largest loss was a collection of pearls imported from the Philippines by one of the three nuns who reside there. According to experts, the Philippine pearls "are extremely beautiful" and have a considerable size, ranging from 8 to 16 mm in diameter, although most enter the segment of 10 to 13 mm in diameter. This variety varies prices according to the quality and size of the pearl.



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