"They have to contribute if they want to charge"


The former Minister of Economy Cristina Kirchner ruled out that there may be a flaw, criticized the Macri government and was open to an interview with the IMF.

Axel Kicillof today warned US investors that they wanted to recover their obligations, they had to wait for a recovery in the economy. He said it at a conference at the Wilson Center in Washington, where he said the government "had failed" and that "nobody wanted a fault".

"Nobody wants default, no one would choose a default, the IMF must work for the economic situation in December is not a financial emergency," said today the former minister of finance. Economy.

The national deputy said the country was facing an "impending cash outflow," he added. "The Fund and the government must take charge". "And investors have to contribute, they told me that they wanted to charge, the economy must have a repayment capacity," Kicillof replied.

At the time of his presentation, the legislator was willing to meet with the agency headed by Christine Lagarde, but he called for a change in his policy towards Argentina in order to alleviate the situation of the population.

"With the fund, you will have to have conversations and in the most profitable way possible, I would ask you to put your resources so that Argenitna can get on the road to recovery, you have lost a lot of jobs and living conditions, it is impossible that this is not discussed and it is in the objectives of the Fund, "he said, adding," We want the Argentines suffer less. "

In this sense, the former official recalled the recent meeting he had had in his office with the IMF mission, at the request of the team of Italian Roberto Cardarelli, who had offered him companion and biscuits. He also discussed the meetings of Cristina Kirchner's government with Lagarde, Alejandro Werner and David Lipton in Washington.

"It is not that we repudiate the Fund, we are partners and we pay the entire debt.What was uncomfortable, it was the conditioning of policies," he explained to the Wilson Center, think tank that Sergio Mbada, Sergio Uñac, Jose have already adopted. Cornejo and José Luis Espert.

However, much of the exhibition was focused on the negative results of Macri's economic policy, which was sought to be shown in films with comparative indicators of past and present management. "The current government has the responsibility to leave the country in conditions that are not urgent," he said.

"There is already an urgency in many ways, and I hope it will not be financial, because for a government, starting in difficult conditions is complicated," he said. .

However, the visitor refrained from confirming the nominations and did not give much clues as to what he would do with the country's foreign debt, if he won the presidential elections in October and would come back to power.

"The nominations and programs are not defined today," he said, adding that they were in a phase of political construction of a vast space to which all are invited, from sectors of the left to the Peronists inscribed today in the federal alternative.

Kicillof concluded today in Washington the tour started on Wednesday that led him first to Mexico, where he met with officials of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and lawmakers.

He also gave a lecture at UNAM during which he defended the "popular" governments of Latin America and criticized the "new conservative wave" that is progressing in the region.

Already in Washington, he has met with representatives of the US Chamber of Commerce, the authorities of the "Progressive Group" of Congress and the Organization of Human Rights in America (WOLA).

He also met with Larry Cohen, Socialist Democrat advisor Bernie Sanders, as well as union and social leaders from the American Post Workers Union.

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