They implicate Mafalda in the controversy over abortion


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Buenos Aires. -The debate generated by the legalization of abortion that is discussed in the Senate of Argentina added to an involuntary protagonist: Mafalda.

In social networks an image of Quino's famous character wearing a light blue handkerchief has been made viral. Oppose the project, accompanied by some alleged words of the caricaturist. From the cartoonist's entourage they went out immediately to clarify that they are fake.

This is not the first time that Mafalda is used for propaganda without the permission of its creator, Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, Quino

Mafalda with the blue handkerchief that symbolizes it. opposition to the law of voluntary termination of pregnancy. I did not allow it, it does not reflect my position and I ask that it be deleted. I have always accompanied the causes of human rights in general, and the human rights of women in particular, to whom I wish you good luck in your requests. Cordially. Joaquín Lavado (Quino) ", was the message broadcast by the creator

But to generate even more confusion, on the official Facebook page of Mafalda, a third message was published, also attributed to the artist who says : "We inform you that Quino was not in favor or against the legalization of abortion. Only, always and explicitly in favor of women's rights. Therefore, all the manifestations attributed to him in social networks are not theirs or official. "

The Quino Band has been translated into more than 30 languages.

Other Cases. The use of Mafalda's image is not new, years ago, in Bariloche, an aspiring mayor named Crea used the character to proselytize "with wall paintings included." Quino discovered in time and retreated with a genius: he sent to the patagonos newspapers a caricature in which Mafalda said "Do not believe in Crea".

According to Isabella Cosse, in his book Mafalda: Social and Political History (2014), one of the pioneers in the abuse of Quino band's popularity was the Movement for the Dignity and Independence of Aldo Rico.He did it in a campaign of the mid-90s, in Tandil, resorting to a shrewd phrase of the character: "Where should you push this country to advance it? "Quino learned because he visited the city and asked [19659002] But it seems that the first political steps of the famous Mafalda were really European

In 1985, when Spain did not have a decade of democracy, there were Falangist groups that distributed stickers Guille, younger brother, in Madrid. of Mafalda, carrying the symbology of Francoism. The fascist flags and the (illegal) shield with the eagle of San Juan, explained at that time the newspaper El País. The most incredible thing, however, was that the stickers came to be sold in the store of the Spanish Ministry of Culture. "Wherever it comes from, I would have felt bad, but it's the worst I could have done," said the caricaturist, of Spanish and Republican parents. I do not understand how they took my characters, so different from their ideology. "

In 2013, before the use of the image of Mafalda in political campaigns, its creator:" They have me very tired with that. "And true to his style, he has concluded: "I always think that when they start a campaign, they have to steal things, what will it look like when they are in their positions?"

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