They insist on the risks incurred by Mauricio Macri during air travel – 02/02/2019


The Ministry of Security he again warned of the risks of seeing the president take flights online and he insisted that he advise Mauricio Macri to travel in rented planes until the government advances in the purchase of a new aircraft, plan postponed due to the economic crisis. "The president can no longer travel on commercial flights," said Patricia Bullrich in January 2018.

Now, in the second presidential, confidential and responsible security report of the National Directorate of Equipment, the warnings outlined in the preliminary report of a year ago were reiterated. In addition, new comments on presidential security were added thanks to the advice of foreign committees at the G20.

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"Security management is the non-delegable responsibility of the Ministry of Security", Concludes the document to which he had access Clarin. The statement would seem to seek to close the circuits between the Ministry of Security and the General Secretariat of the Presidency, which in the past was to acquire an armored truck and rent the aircraft with which Macri travels.

"The experience gained in the G20 has enabled our country to achieve the highest standards among leaders around the world," says text from the unit led by Carlos Federico Becker Fioretti , graduate in strategy and organization of War College. . This retired lieutenant-colonel was at the head of the Army Imports Division, headed by César Milani.

The Ministry of Security discourages commercial flights due to the absence of armed guards to protect the president and the "vulnerabilities" that accompany the boarding of other pbadengers and their respective baggage. "The Ministry of Security reiterates the need to use an exclusive aircraft for the use of the president, to minimize the risks to the chief executive, his family and the whole of the Presidential entourage.", says the 45-page document that also bears the signature of US Secretary of Homeland Security, Gerardo Milman.

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Among the dangers that the President might face during a commercial flight, there is the possibility of a cyber attack via the airline's Wi-Fi network that affects the aircraft's controls, such as autopilot, landing gear, roads and radars. He also insists on the absence of armed guards and the ease with which a "premeditated attacker" gets confused among the pbadengers. It is also believed likely that a pbadenger with a "psychological imbalance" wants to attack the president. It also recalls that the controls on pbadengers and baggage of commercial flights are less exhaustive than those of official flights.

Among the advantages of official flights, there is the fact that they operate on military bases with high security measures and the fact that commercial flights receive dozens of anonymous telephone threats.

Among the other damages caused by commercial flights, there is the limited knowledge of the personnel involved – a detail that worsens if the airline is foreign – and the uncertainty regarding the flight plan, the ladders and the possible delays.

The inability to communicate by telephone on most commercial flights could also conspire against the president's "decision-making and communication skills". Another danger mentioned is the staff who carry baggage at different airports and take advantage of the flights that the text calls "abrevalijas".

Finally, the text again recommends the purchase of an exclusive presidential aircraft to replace the Tango 01. If that were not possible, it recommends that a plane be rented, the option chosen by the General Secretariat from of 2017.

The report recalls the case of two Colombians who traveled with Macri and Juliana Awada on a flight from Aerolíneas Argentinas from Spain, in which they attempted to carry 21 kilos of ecstasy. The document contains, in the appendix, various press articles presenting threats and incidents at airports.

To the recommendations of the Security, those of Military House are added in the same direction. Despite safety and incident recommendations, Macri flew back to a commercial airline in January 2018. He traveled on Air France to Paris and then on a private plane bound for Moscow. After his arrest, before each trip, security comes back asking the Secretary General that the President travels on charter flights. On February 18, Macri will travel to India, Vietnam and Singapore.


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