They install controversial mailboxes to abandon babies | Chronic


Leaving a newborn and condemning him to death is one of the worst acts one can commit. How much desperation can cause a person to do something similar, only those involved can know it. Faced with this terrible reality and to prevent young children from being left behind, exposed to all sorts of dangers, they have installed devices in the United States that allow parents to get rid of their children without almost certain end.

Under the impetus of the organization "Safe Haven Baby Boxes", seven of these "life boxes" have already been placed in the state of Indiana. These are small spaces on the wall, with the ability to leave a child, which have temperature regulators and sensors that warn as soon as a baby is placed inside. Then, a silent alarm is triggered to warn emergency services, who go there and pick up the child in less than five minutes.

The last of these "refuges" in Indiana has been placed in a fire station.

Priscila Pruitt, member of the organization that created the mailboxes, said that it was about "a last resort" and that the goal is to combat infanticide following the abandonment of babies, when young people give birth completely alone and feel unable to cope with motherhood. "Women do not want to be known or to see them, especially in small towns where everyone knows each other."he said.

Whenever there is more

Until now, baby abandonment mailboxes have been installed in Michigan and also in Ohio, where there are two; while in Pennsylvania soon we will be placed. In New Jersey, the law that allows them is still under discussion.

Meanwhile, in Michigan, the law was pbaded at the legislative level, but the governor, Rick Snyderhe decided to veto him. "I do not think it's appropriate to let parents abandon a baby simply by dropping it in a place rather than entrusting it to a police officer, a firefighter or a hospital employee."he explained.

Despite the questions, the founder of the organization defended the initiative. It is about Monica Kelsey, who was born after the rape of his mother, so he was delivered for adoption. For this reason, he promotes the project with which he hopes that fewer and fewer babies will die homeless.


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