They install controversial mailboxes to abandon unwanted babies


So far, 13 boxes have been installed in three states: six in Indiana, two in Ohio and five in Arizona.

However, He is also working for the law to allow his installation in other states such as Georgia, Arkansas and Michigan, and they are raising money to build another 100 boxes.

The founder of the organization, Monica Kelsey, He was given the task of developing a strategy so that unwanted babies could stay in a safe place after learning that his parents had left him for his fate.

Kelsey said that the abandonment of babies is a "problem" in the country because of teenage unwanted pregnancies, and that this idea is "the last resort" to avoid it. He said that with the initiative it aims to "save lives" and that women do not abort.


In the United States, children can be left in "Safe Shelters", provided that the parents are face to face with the person in charge of these spaces..

However, many women prefer anonymity and they decide to leave the babies at the doors of a hospital, a police station or the fire station.

"These young women do not want to be known or to see them, especially in small towns where everyone knows each other," they told Safe Heaven Baby Boxes.


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