They investigate case of Rosario who died of thrombosis after covidating and getting vaccinated


More risk of covid than vaccine

AstraZeneca (University of Oxford / Covisheld) is one of three coronavirus vaccines that are being applied as part of the vaccination campaign promoted by the Argentine government, as well as Chinese Sinopharm and Russian Sputnik.

While some countries have prevented vaccination with AstraZeneca, after a comprehensive scientific review of the information available to the World Health Organization’s Global Advisory Committee on vaccine safety (WHO) concluded that the AstraZeneca vaccine “continues to have a positive benefit-risk profile, with enormous potential to prevent infections and reduce deaths worldwide”.

In addition, the organization clarified that available data does not suggest any general increase in coagulation conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, after administration of the vaccine. “The reported rates of thromboembolic events (blood clot formation) after COVID-19 vaccines are consistent with the expected number of diagnoses of these conditions. Both the conditions occur naturally and are not uncommon, ”the WHO said.

The Regional Director for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO), Hans Kluge, assured that the risk of thrombosis is “higher” if you have coronavirus than if you receive the vaccines developed by AstraZeneca or Janssen.

Few reports of adverse reactions

According to data from the provincial health ministry, reports of febrile symptoms, headaches or swelling in the area of ​​application reach barely five per thousand of people vaccinated and in 96% of cases these are mild or expected reactions.. Most of the side effects occur in young people, especially women, but strictly speaking, coronavirus vaccines are no more risky or have more disadvantages than flu shots.

>> Read more: Only five in a thousand vaccinated report side effects

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