They investigate Máxima Zorreguieta for tax evasion in Argentina


Máxima Zorreguieta was accused by Tax Fraud in Patagonia. The Queen of Holland is under investigation for tax evasion in a expensive hostel which he owns. The property, called Estancia Pilpilcura, has five bedrooms and almost 800 square meters.

Map of the property in which the stay extends.
Map of the property in which the stay extends.

His Majesty was accused by do not pay the corresponding property tax to a property of the characteristics of your stay. The property, located 75 kilometers from Bariloche, he also would not have the authorization corresponding

The hostel is located for special visitslike that of President Macri and his family, and it is administered by the aunt, the godmother of Maximo. The surrounding property involves some 3000 hectares.

The property seen from inside the residence.
The property seen from inside the residence.

In an official statement, the Embbady of the Netherlands in Argentina claimed that his majesty "does not commit any type of irregularity and that it absolutely respects all the tax laws of the country. "For its part, the opposition to the Dutch government called for the immediate advance in the investigation clarify whether there is tax evasion or not.

The inn in the interior.
The inn in the interior.

The kings of the country under they had already had problems similar in the past. In 2009, they were asked about the construction of a Luxurious holiday villa in Mozambique, that later had to put on sale.


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