They isolated the King of Spain for coming into contact with someone with coronavirus


King Felipe VI of Spain is in quarantine after coming into contact with someone infected with coronavirus, the Royal House announced on Monday.

“The king has learned that a person he had close contact with yesterday (Sunday) tested positive for covid-19 today,” they said in a palace statement.

And they pointed out that “according to sanitary standards, from that moment on, maintain the mandatory ten-day quarantine period, suspending all official activities

The same sources did not say whether the King will undergo a diagnostic test, swab or the like.

According to the newspaper El País, before it was known that his Sunday contact had tested positive, the king chaired this Monday morning, at the El Pardo Palace, the meeting of the scientific council of the Royal Institute of Elcano.

There, he said that the current health crisis “has made the need for effective cooperation and much more intense, close, transparent, open and loyal collaboration between multilateral organizations and agencies, governments and civil society, governments and NGOs, more evident than ever. to face the big problems which concern us all ”.

For their part, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia “They will be able to continue their activities normally”added the official statement.

Heir to the throne, Eleanor, had been in quarantine for two weeks in mid-September after detection of contagion among his classmates.

Spain. one of the countries hardest hit by the viral pandemic, It has recorded 1.5 million infections and more than 43,000 deaths.



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