They kidnap him, tie up a truck and hang around for not keeping their campaign promises


The mayor of the city of Las Margaritas, in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, Jorge Luis Escandón Hernández, was forcibly removed from his office, tied to a truck and dragged through the streets of the city by a group angry farmers. The police intervened, released the slightly injured mayor and arrested eleven people.

This is the second time that farmers are asking the mayor to keep his promises during the campaign. Among these promises are the rehabilitation of a road leading to the community and the promotion of projects in the region.

In Mexico, drug groups are used to attacking officials, but not to a mob that demands that election promises be kept.

Escandón has already announced that he would denounce the attackers for the crimes of kidnapping and attempted murder. The entire sequence of events was filmed by mobile phones and security cameras, and uploaded to social networks. In a first take, it seems that the mayor is removed from the mayor's office.

According to local media, the neighbors clashed with representatives of the municipality. However, they managed to take the mayor. The truck was able to start. The mayor was therefore suspended from the anti-blows protection and dragged into the street.

This second sequence was recorded by security cameras. According to local media, a dozen police officers had to intervene to stop the vehicle and rescue the mayor. Clashes took place with the police and several people were injured, at least 20 people.

The first attack against the mayor took place four months ago, when a group of people entered his office, causing disasters when he did not find it. But Escandón himself has a history of bad behavior, for taking part in a fight with supporters of his rival during the election campaign. He was released for lack of evidence.

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