They kidnapped her, raped her, called the police and did not give her a "bullet": she appeared charred | Chronic


The family of a 15-year-old Romanian boy kidnapped, raped and murdered in recent hours, transmitted the victim's appeals to the police for help, keeping her kidnapped and found charred for a few hours later.

The case shocked Romanian society in the face of police actions, which were waiting for a search warrant. "legally useless" to enter the house where the quinceañera was Alexandra Macesanu Almost 19 hours later, he asked for help.

The victim of 15 years.

"Stay with me, I'm scared", the teenager implored a police officer in the last of the three calls that she launched for help, according to the girl's uncle, Alexandru Cumpanasu.

Macesanu disappeared on July 24 after leaving his home in a municipality in southern Romania to go to the finger in Caracal, located less than 10 km. After being captured and locked in a room of a house in this city, the teenager managed to call the authorities from the phone of her kidnapper.

The girl made three calls and in the last, the officer who answers him says that "can not stay online" because "has other calls". "Stay where you are, a policeman will go without fail, in about 2 or 3 minutes ", said to recall later that "the car is underway".

However, when the police arrived at the scene almost 19 hours later after asking for help, she found the charred remains and jewelry that Macesanu was wearing at the time of her last sighting. The DNA badysis confirmed the tragic end of the child who was also raped and dismembered.

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The suspect of the crimes was identified as being Gheorghe Dinca, a mechanic 66 years old. At home, they also found the bones of another 18-year-old girl, Luiza Melencu, who had disappeared in April of this year. While Dinca denied that the remains were human, he then confessed to both crimes.

Alexandra Macesanu and Luiza Malencu, the two girls killed by Dinca.

Thousands of people took to the streets of Romania to protest what they saw as a "wrong answer" Police The government of this country has announced several high-level dismissals, including the Minister of Education, Ecaterina Andronescu, who stated that the victim had been educated since childhood "ride on vehicles with strangers".

Gheorghe Dinca, the murderer arrested (Photo: Reuters).


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