They kill a commissioner with bullets to steal the car in Moreno | Chronic


Few hours of the death of a gendarme at the hands of criminals, a police officer finished the same way at the Moreno party in Buenos Aires. This is a commissioner-inspector who was killed by two bullets in the stomach, after the attempted theft of his car when he arrived at his friend's house in Las Catonas, while he was attacked by criminals.

It is about Carlos Leonardo Valdez (46), belonging to the division of transfers of detainees of the departmental headquarters of San Isidro, which, at the time of the facts, was open to military service and civilians.

The police arrived in his dark Ford Focus at the address located on Juan de la Cierva Street, Block 37, Building 3, between Canada and La Tablada, where he was attacked by four thieves who wanted to steal the vehicle.

According to the investigators, Valdez identified himself as a police officer. He was shot with the attackers and then seriously injured in the street. He nevertheless managed to enter the house of his girlfriend, where he disappeared.

Immediately, the woman, seeing him lying and bleeding, called 911 emergency service, but two neighbors helped him by driving him in a car to Luciano de Vega hospital in Moreno because the ambulance did not arrive.

Once there, the doctors found a very serious injury in the left intercostal area, but he was not operated and died at the medical center around 4 o'clock.

Meanwhile, the criminals managed to escape on foot and left a tumber-like weapon inside the Volkswagen Bora in which they had arrived, which they left with several bullet wounds and that it was discovered that they had stolen it from the wife of another city policeman. of Billinghurst, San Martin's Day.

As the commissioner had come to shoot, it is thought that one of the thieves was injured and that is why a survey was conducted in the area's health centers.

The judicial investigation is in charge of the taxation 3 of Moreno, Luisa Pontecorvo, who caratuló the fact as it "Homicide on the occasion of a robbery" and he has already gathered the testimony of the witnesses, in addition to having supervised the work of the scientific police instead of the facts. In addition, he commissioned the completion of the autopsy of the money, which will be carried out in the coming hours.

The municipality of Moreno said that it was broadcasting different video footage from security cameras of several posts in order to facilitate the investigation and arrest the fugitives criminals.

Valdez is the seventh member of a security force killed so far this year. His crime was perpetrated about thirty streets from the place where this soldier was killed, the first sergeant of the gendarmerie. Pablo Quiroga (49) died of three gunshots in his chest, also in Moreno, from criminals who stole his regulatory weapon, mobile phone and wallet.

The incident occurred around 5:30 am, 600 meters from Tupungato Street, and, to reconstruct the investigation, Quiroga, dressed in civilian clothes, went to serve his destination in the transport unit. "Macacha Güemes", having its seat in Region 1 of Campo de Mayo.

On the other hand, in this same party in the west of the suburbs of Buenos Aires, the city police officer Emmanuel Leiva (36) was murdered on March 27 by a group of criminals who wanted to steal the motorcycle while he was driving through the Western Access Waterway.

Meanwhile, the other members of the security forces killed during this year were the first lieutenant Marcelo Pablo Acuña (52), the agent Maximiliano Cristian Bruno (30), the captain Miguel Ángel Jaime (55) – all members of the Buenos Aires police – and the senior official Isaiah Emanuel Correa (31), who served in the city police.


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