They kill soldier after narco-terrorist attack in Peru – News


A Peruvian navy ship suffered a terrorist ambush, which resulted in the regrettable death of a member of the military institution and also three injured.

This attack was carried out at 4 a.m. on Monday, December 21, according to a Navy report.

Members of Vraem’s Special Command were conducting screening operations when they were ambushed.

The injured were identified as Edgar Elescano, Brayan Ahunari and Roberto Chero. While Gustavo Valladares was assassinated.

“The boats repelled the narco-terrorist attack and proceeded to the Unión Mantaro base, to later transport the deceased naval officer and the wounded by air. They receive specialized medical care, ”said a statement issued by the Joint Command of the Armed Forces.

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The attack zone is part of the cocalero valley (VRAEM) in the region of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro river valley. He has been under military surveillance since 2006, when the Peruvian government said there were remnants of the Shining Path, which was operating in alliance with drug trafficking gangs.

Peru is, along with Colombia and Bolivia, one of the world’s largest producers of coca leaf, a raw material for cocaine, according to the UN.


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