They killed 13 shots at another mayoral candidate in Colombia | Chronic


The candidate for mayor of the municipality of Toledo, Orley GarciaHe was shot dead Saturday afternoon in a rural area of ​​northwestern Colombia. His homicide has been added to 15 and 192 other threats against people involved in local elections next October in this country.

According to local media, an unidentified person allegedly shot Garcia in the back with a shotgun. The applicant received 13 bullets and was transported in critical condition to a nearby hospital, then transferred to another medical center in Medellin, but died en route because of the severity of the injuries.

Minutes after the attack (Courtesy of International Mastv).

In a statement broadcast on social media, the candidate's political party, the Democratic Center, condemned the attack. while some political leaders expressed regret for Garcia's death and called for the crime not to go unpunished.

The Democratic Center regrets and condemns the murder of Orley García, our candidate for mayor of Toledo (Antioquia), who has always supported with conviction and firmness the ideals of the Democratic Center and defended its values ​​in the region.

– Democratic Center (@CeDemocratico)
September 8, 2019

The investigators, meanwhile, attributed the badbadination to a group of dissidents from the former FARC guerrilla, which operates in this region and did not adhere to the peace pact signed in 2016 with the president of the time. Juan Manuel Santos.

READ ALSO: Commotion in Colombia: candidate for mayor and five others are killed

A few days ago, the Liberal candidate Karina Garcia In the upcoming elections in the municipality of Suárez in October, she was charred in her car with five other companions, including her mother.

1. The badbadination of Orley García, mayoral candidate of Toledo (Antioquia) by the Democratic Center has offended us. In addition to guarantees for the exercise of politics, society must think about the damage caused by stigma and polarization to democracy.

– Defensoría delPueblo (@DefensoriaCol)
September 8, 2019

The murder of the two candidates is one of 15 homicides and 192 threats against people involved in election campaigns, which took place from 1 January to 4 September 2019, according to the country's ombudsman's office.

Despite the relief provided by FARC disarmament, Colombia continues in a climate of deep violence provoked by guerrilla, paramilitary, drug traffickers and state agents, with a balance of more than eight million victims among the dead, the missing and the displaced.


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