They killed 14 policemen during an attack by the largest criminal organization in Mexico


The panel Jalisco new generation, the largest criminal organization in Mexico, claimed that an attack that claimed the lives of 14 policemen today, prompted patrolmen to burn and seize weapons belonging to the security forces in the state of Mexico. Michoacán. The attack took place in the municipality of Eaglein the state Michoacán, the authorities reported.

The Secretariat for Security and Protection of Citizens (SSPC), Directed by Alfonso DurazoHe condemned the attack and said he was "in communication" with the state authorities.

Eagle It is located north of Michoacán, about 80 kilometers from the western state Jaliscoand is the land of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias el Mencho, leader of this poster.

It was also reported that the attackers had burned patrol cars and seized weapons from the security forces, reported the EFE news agency.

The attack was claimed by the cartel Jalisco new generation, considered by the Mexican authorities as the largest criminal organization in the country above the cartel of Sinaloa, weakened after the fall of their leader, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.

Durazo said today that Mexico it has reached a "turning point" with respect to "the level of growth in the trend of criminal crime", when the six-month term announced by the President is respected Andrés López Obrador to reduce the incidence of crime in the country, quoted the DPA news agency.

Good Durazo According to him, murders in the country have decreased by 0.4% since December compared to last year. He also acknowledged that the country was experiencing a "chronic" insecurity crisis, according to the newspaper El Universal.

Mexico suffers a wave of violence in most high and low-impact crimes.

The spokespersons for SSPC They warned that violent deaths are mainly concentrated in five states: Guanajuato, Baja California, State of Mexico, Jalisco and Chihuahua.

According to the most recent data from Executive Secretariat for Public SecurityFrom January to August 2019, the country recorded 23,063 murders, including 1,192 in Colombia. Michoacán and only 202 of them were in August, the most violent month of the year for this state.

The murders of the month of August this year in this region, one of the poorest in the country, have increased by 46.4% compared to 2018, making it the third state in which the number of homicides increased the most.


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