They laughed at her chicken in a wheelchair and went to defend her on television


"The boys eat the chicken", said the humorist, but Alora Wood, 10, did not laugh.

The actors of SNL They talked about their pet, the chicken "Granite Heart" ("Heart of Granite"), as if he was a grotesque character, but for Alora, he seemed "rude".

wheelchair hen

"I know it was supposed to be a joke, but, And if they were talking about a dog?", the daughter of Vermont, USA, reflects in an interview with the channel NECN.

The truth is that Granite Heart was born with a leg malformation and would never have had a normal life without Alora. and the creators of Pet Walkin & # 39; Pets wheelchairs.

alora wood.jpg

For now, the SNL team has not reacted creatively.


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