They launch a digital app for asthmatic children


The application, called "Find Guille", is now available for free download through Google Play or App Store.

This application for children is an interactive story to help children with asthma and their loved ones identify in a simple, intuitive and fun way, all the frequent situations that can occur with this disease.

In addition, history shows how with proper diagnosis and control, you can lead an absolutely normal life.

Asthma is the most common chronic illness of childhood, which causes more hospitalizations and lost school days. Poorly mastered, it has a strong impact on school performance, as well as on the health and quality of life of the child.

The "Guille Search" app, an initiative of the Novartis laboratory, invites Guille to accompany him, a seven-year-old animated character with asthma, to face the various challenges posed by his illness. It's a story to read, to listen to, to see and to play.

Through the hashtag #buscaaguille, children and their families will be able to share their anxieties and successes related to the management of their disease

a very original application that fulfills a role of d & # 39; education through play, transmitting knowledge and focusing on the transmission of the message that asthma is controllable, regardless of severity, "said Ana Balanzat, professor of pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine of the UBA

Still in the company of his little dog "Nera" and his teddy bear, from the application you can help Guille to play sax, to put a goal or to blow candles the day of his birthday, all situations that often seem restricted for children with asthma.

For Juan Gagneten, head of the Infant Pneumology Department of Cetrángolo Hospital, "nowadays, with the available treatments, no asthmatic boy should see his normal life affected, be able to do anything. perform any type of activity without any limitation. "

" In our offices we see that boys diagnosed and followed show 95% success in treatment " he added.

In every chapter of history, different situations that usually cause asthma attacks are reflected, but that shows how with proper diagnosis and control, Guille can have a totally normal life. run, jump and play like your friends.

In addition, the application allows you to play with Guille or with friends to two interactive games: "The hen of asthma" and "The Asthma Trivia" . 19659003] About Asthma

About 300 million people of all ages suffer from asthma in the world of which 250,000 die annually from its consequences.

According to the ISAAC study (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood), the prevalence of asthma in Latin America varies, depending on the age group taken between 10 and 20% of the infant population.

It is characterized by symptoms such as ] persistent dry cough, especially at night or before emotions such as laughing or crying, chest pain, recurrent shortness of breath and wheezing, worsened by running or physical activity.

It still has a genetic component and is usually triggered, inter alia, by the presence of a virus, for example after a cold, exposure to allergens such as pollen from trees and plants or simply dusts, dandruff or hair of dogs or cats molds or molds, abrupt temperature changes, strong odors produced by chemicals, environmental deodorants or others, tobacco smoke or directly by vigorous exercise or in situations of stress.

Many children and their families end up accepting as something "common" not practicing normal physical activity, wake up during the night because of lack of air or use permanent rescue inhalers, demonstrating the lack of control of their disease.

Management, asthma requires regular treatment and strict supervision of the specialist, as with other chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension.

"Well-controlled asthma has a better chance of remission and it reduces the future risks badociated with poorly controlled asthma, such as progressive loss of lung function, quality of life and exacerbations, with potential side effects of oral corticosteroids during the same period Balanzat, who also works as a medical consultant in the Department of Pediatrics of Clínicas Hospital & # 39; José de San Martín & # 39;

Source: Agencia de Noticias NA

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