They launch a homemade bomb against the US Embassy in Beijing


Beijing .- A homemade explosive device exploded in front of the US Embbady in Beijing today without serious harm and the alleged attacker was arrested, police said.

The suspect, a 26-year-old man, was wounded by hand and taken to hospital but his life is not in danger. Apparently, he mounted the bomb himself using pyrotechnics, reported DPA.

The delegation confirmed the facts: "The embbady security officer reported that there is a person who has put the bomb. In addition to l & # 39; striker, no one else was wounded ".

A Chinese employee of the embbady said that someone had thrown the explosive over the fence in the yard.

Another employee drove him back to the street, where he finally exploded.

On the ground, in the southwest corner of the building, where long queues are usually trained for visa applications, traces of detonation were observed, which occurred at 13:00 local time.

"There was an explosion and a big cloud of smoke," said a witness.

The police cordoned off the entire area, but after less than an hour, she reopened the street that pbades in front of the embbady.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered the incident as "an individual incident".

Police reported that the detainee was from Tongliao, Inner Mongolia Province, and described him as a mentally ill man who suffered from "paranoid personality disorders" . In 2016, he received treatment at the hospital after suffering hallucinations.

The district, which also houses the Indian, French, Israeli and South Korean embbadies, is guarded by special paramilitary forces (Wujing).

A woman who was processing a visa stated that "an alarm sounded and many people with bulletproof vests broke into the room" .

In the Chinese Internet, research on the explosion has been censored. In the Chinese Twitter, Weibo, no results came out under "explosion" or "US embbady"

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