They launch official program to hire women as bus and bus drivers


The Ministry of Labor seeks to establish gender equality in the automotive transport sector.
The Ministry of Labor seeks to establish gender equality in the automotive transport sector.

the Ministry of Labour this Thursday officially created a Program to promote the hire women as drivers automobile transport, in order to “eradicate discriminatory practices” in this activity.

It is “Program for the Promotion and Inclusion of Women in the Motor Transport Activity”, which will operate under the orbit of the Undersecretariat for Inclusion in the World of Work Policies, in accordance with the Resolution 345/2021, published this Thursday in the Official Journal.

As expected, this decision calls for “the promotion of equality standards of gender and real equality of opportunity and treatment, in access to jobs and job maintenance, in the automobile transport activity ”.

The work portfolio considered that it was “imperative to review” the practices contrary to the principle of non-discrimination and equal treatment of women in the motor transport activity.

In addition, the “Network of motor transport companies for equality”, within the framework of the Directorate for the Promotion and Integration of Women of the Ministry of Labor, for “exchange good practices for professional integration, access the benefits and advisory services provided by this portfolio of work and make visible companies committed to ensuring gender equality and equality of opportunity and treatment in the activity, ”said the resolution.

The ministry also ordered that the cost of financing to obtain the National interjurisdictional transport license (LiNTI) or whoever will replace it in the future, necessary as a facilitator for aspiring bus drivers, will be in charge of this body which leads Claudio Omar Moroni.

Ministry of Labor resolution aims to promote standards of gender equality, treatment and access to employment

To this end, the Employment Secretary to assume the financing of the cost licenses, to this end, he may sign the agreement (s) necessary to guarantee this provision.

Labor justified the move by stating that “the urgent need to review certain practices manifested in access to work in the automobile transport activity, contrary to the principle of non-discrimination and equal treatment of women ”.

The Ministry of Labor will be responsible for financing the cost of the national interjurisdictional transport authorization process for women.

“The small hiring of women to accomplish tasks as a bus driver, count as biased selection processes due to gender stereotypes, which hamper the guarantee of real equality of opportunity and treatment at work, ”the ministry stressed.

Finally, he underlined that “in order to deepen the actions aimed at eradicating the discriminatory practices detected in the personnel selection process for a post of bus driver, it will be essential strengthen inspection, dissemination, awareness-raising and training missions in the matter “.


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