They launched a campaign against the increase of syphilis cases


Given the evidence that care was relaxed in badual relations, the Pampa Ministry of Health went to encourage the use of condoms: "Put it on forever" . Minister Kohan's difficult response to Abel Albino. Concerns about cases of conbad syphilis

The provincial government decided, through the Ministry of Health, to launch an aggressive campaign to encourage the use of condoms, especially after confirming that cases of syphilis – a badual disease – were they tripled from one year to the next, as confirmed by the Minister of Health, Mario Kohan.

"Put it for ever", is the expression that characterizes the campaign.

In fact, the official figures were known and confirmed. The last few weeks indicate that in our province this increase in cases is even greater: they have increased from 24 to 117, between 2015 and 2016, which are those that are statistically systematized.

Kohan made the announcement accompanied by Ana Bertone, director of epidemiology, in a context in which also the recent statements by Dr. Abel Albino in the Senate added visibility to the problem of using condoms. Albino, using a speech from other eras and no scientific results, said that prophylactics do not even prevent the AIDS virus.

"We have officially launched the campaign to prevent badually transmitted diseases, the best possible information, the diseases have a complete epidemiological validity in the world and we do not escape this reality," said Kohan A press conference

. He gave some international figures on badually transmitted diseases around the world. "We must recognize that the epidemiological profile of these diseases, and especially syphilis, is that it increases every ten or fifteen years, due to the reduction of control of subjects in badual activity, or linked to risky behavior, "he said and referred for example to the consumption of alcohol.

"Unlucky Ally"

"Albino is an unlikely ally, excellent at this moment, because he put on the table the use of prophylactic and what he said that this n & rsquo; Was not true, "said the minister. "Without the use of prophylaxis, there is 100% insecurity," he said. "Protecting yourself with prophylaxis is the most important tool we have," he added.

In Argentina, according to official figures, cases of syphilis tripled between 2011 and 2017, from 3.875 to 11.709 People who are between 17 and 30.

The Pampa has been the one that has increased the most: 80% (24 to 117) between 2015 and 2016. This year, the upward trend has remained.

The remaining 58% (57 to 135) was recorded in Chubut, 55% in Mendoza (142 to 315), 28% in Buenos Aires (2,739 to 3,769), Córdoba 19% (981 to 1,210), Santa Fe 15% (937-1095) and Federal Capital 4.5% (1,898-1,967).

They recorded annual losses between Rivers, which went from 263 to 259; Currents from 292 to 122, Chaco from 684 to 450 or Missions from 553 to 361.

The most alarming for health are the cases of conbad syphilis: the transmission from the mother to the fetus at the gestation stage. There have been at least two recent cases in La Pampa that have attracted attention because our province has a low birth rate.

"Common" syphilis is easily cured (penicillin and responsible use of the condom), while conbad it can generate irreparable consequences.

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