They leave a son of Chapo Guzmán free to avoid a bloodbath


he mexican government He admitted today that he preferred to release a drug trafficker's son. Joaquín "Chapo" Guzmán before engaging in a confrontation with armed gangs that could have left a bloodbath, knowing that the opposition and some analysts considered that it was a surrender of the State against organized crime.

Ovid Guzmán López, son of the criminal chief jailed in the United States, was arrested yesterday in the city of Culiacan, in the state of Sinaloa, and released a few hours later by decision of the authorities, while the security forces participating in the operation were surrounded by drug traffickers who exceeded them in number and in number.

On the son of Guzman weighed an extradition order made by States Unitedbut we can not meet this demand at the moment because the young man was released as a result of a political decision taken Culiacan and its surroundings have been plunged into a wave of extreme violence.

Despite the criticisms received, the President Andrés López Obrador He took full responsibility for the case.

"The capture of a criminal can not be worth more than the lives of the people.They (through the security cabinet) have made the decision to release him and I have supported him" , did he declare. Lopez Obrador at a press conference he offered to Oaxaca, in the south of the country.

"We do not want dead people, we do not want war, it's difficult to understand, but the strategy that was applied before has turned the country into a cemetery," said the governments. Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) and Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), in which more than 250,000 deaths and more than 40,000 missing are estimated as a result of the so-called war on drug trafficking.

López Obrador commented that the operation had been developed by the Army with the order to arrest a criminal, but "there was a very violent reaction and the lives of many people could not be endangered".

Opponents Lopez Obrador and columnists in the Mexican press criticized the authorities' decision, focused their questions on the failure of the security operation and even spoke of a "surrender".

"They are informed that by presidential decree all criminals who shoot and exceed the authority in Culiacan that they will accuse them with their mothers and grandmothers of ceasing to scare people who live happy, happy, happy, "said the former president of Mexico Vicente Fox in a message full of irony, in social networks, which was also repudiated by the public opinion.

"The ridiculousness of the president and his State failed "and" of State failed to State defeated ", protested editorialists El universal in the titles of his columns today.

An additional problem for the President is the public acceptance made by the Minister of National Defense (Sedena)Luis Cresencio Sandoval, in that the army acted with "haste" in the operation which then gave rise to dozens of fires and blockades in Culiacan for hours.

"In order to achieve a positive result, he acted hastily, with poor planning and a lack of foresight about the consequences," he said.

The official also admitted that there was a request for extradition of United States against Guzmán López since September 2018.

And, he said, this order – which has reportedly arrested at least 14 drug traffickers in recent months – has omitted "the consensus of his superiors" and lacked a search warrant.

"Given the widespread violence that has taken place, this security firm ordered them to leave their homes" to put an end to this "hasty and poorly planned" operation, he concluded Sandoval.

After the battle between the narcos and the security forces, at least eight people died and 49 prisoners escaped from the prison. Aguaruto in different incidents recorded in Culiacan.

"The total number of deaths is eight.A civilian, an agent National Guard One inmate (from the prison) and five assailants. In addition to the 16 wounded, "he explained Sandoval.

Other groups have provoked violent actions against citizens to others Culiacan, which generated "a situation of panic", he said.

The dams extended to the exits of the city, which remained practically fenced and accommodating people accommodated at their place of work and at home, the commercial activity being paralyzed for several hours.

Gunshots were heard in different parts of the city and dozens of heavily armed people were observed and took public transport to move in armored vehicles.

Ovid Guzmán López, 28, faces charges in United States trafficking in cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana.

His father, El Chapo Guzmán, serving a life sentence in a maximum security prison of Florence, state of Colorado, considered the safest of United States and the world, and that's called "the Alcatraz of the Rockies" or Supermax.


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